Had An Oops Moment Today

Well, fingers crossed here.  I set a 2 Carolina Reaper and 3 Bhut Jolokia seeds in coffee filters last week here to start for next year and as well a Bonchi trial, but to my horror I came home today to the lid on the container lifted on one end and my filters and seeds were 100% dry!  I am now hoping that after adding a bit of water to moisten the towels again that they will survive.  The filter was moistened yesterday, so it happened sometime between 8 pm last night and 8 pm when I arrived home tonight and noticed.  I know that it may have killed the seeds, but I will give them a try.  Fingers are crossed.
Hmm… Do you have the heat cranked up in your house, or do you have a heat mat under them? If the lid was only a tad lifted on one side that shouldn't dry them out in that short period unless the heat is up too high or you had air blowing directly on them.
No, heat is not cranked up, just at 72.  No heat mat is being used.  The deli take-out container is in the top of the china cabinet in the dark, no fan or blowing air across them.  I guess that I had just not made sure that the lid was on properly.  One side was partially up in the air.  Thank you.
So long as they hadn't started to sprout a root out the bottom yet, they sould be fine.  This happens all the time in nature, seeds get wet and dry out over and over on the ground each time it rains till it's warm enough that they sprout.
Even so, if you just start them in coir or soil you eliminate this situation or at least greatly delay the amount of time it takes till the sprouting medium dries out.