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Hala Fruit

Does anyone have this growing near them or has grown it before? Very interesting fruit.
Some info I found:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pandanus_tectorius



Your welcome. Just another one of my useless image posts  ;)  lol.
Seriously though, I figured it was something everyone would like to see and possibly read a little about. I know we have some members from Hawaii and a ton from Austrailia, so I figured there may be a few responses on this topic.
Thank you for looking.
Tried to grow it once. I got a plant to about a foot tall, but it died during the winter. It likes tropical temps and usually grows close to the ocean. I got the seeds from a friend who grows fruit trees from all over the world. He had no luck with it, either.

This one and Cashew were too tropical for San Diego weather.

You could grow Monstera deliciosa, which is very cool indeed, and the fruit is really good.
Nigel said:
Tried to grow it once. I got a plant to about a foot tall, but it died during the winter. It likes tropical temps and usually grows close to the ocean. I got the seeds from a friend who grows fruit trees from all over the world. He had no luck with it, either.

This one and Cashew were too tropical for San Diego weather.

You could grow Monstera deliciosa, which is very cool indeed, and the fruit is really good.
I KNEW for certain you would have tried to grow it. (And I knew you would at least reply :P )
Thank you for the link Nigel.
I was just thinking the same thing. I actually often think about that. Was just browsing around and discovered a "jackfruit".
Strange tree. You usually think of large trees like this having only nuts hanging from them. Well I guess these really are large nuts but you know what I mean.
I love to grow weird fruit from seed. Have done since germinating my first mango seed when I was about 15 - Mango is exotic in England!!!
One of my favourite fruits is the Pitanga from Brazil, Eugenia uniflora. The fruit looks like small Brazilian starfish peppers. I have black ones, red ones and orange ones. I also have Eugenia aggregata, but that is very difficult to get to fruit here.

Jackfruit is truly delicious, but again, too tropical for my climate. We occasionally get it in the Asian markets. 
They often weight 15lbs each.

My favourite tree. We found them all over Venezuela. The "apple" part is edible and delicious, but goes bad in about 10 minutes after picking, so it never goes to market. I tried to open the nut part with my teeth. Really, really bad idea. There are pockets of oil in the shell that are caustic. Kinda like poison ivy x100. I had blisters on my lips, in my mouth and throat for 5 days. Holy hell, it was painful.
I have seen this growing in the wild back home, never tried it though. Might have to have a look for some next time I go back for a holiday. Didn't even know it was edible before seeing this thread! Thanks PD!
There's a guy on here from Hawaii. PInOYpride. Even he has not heard of it. And he's going to culinary school so you'd think he'd have an idea.

Jackfruit is nom nom. I'm currently growing sugar apples. (Looking good) and star fruit. ( looks like crap). Since I can't go to the Philippines might as well bring the fruits here. Sure I can grow these as there's locals I know that have these fruits. Also have the cherimoya. And gona of guava
Thanks for the info on it I had seen some many years ago when I was stationed in Hawaii never new that it was edible, when I was in Asia I tried to eat as many different kinds of tropical fruit as I could, the only fruit that realy turned me off was the King of Fruits the Duran, it tasted really bad like rotted onions smelled like it too.
Now the Custer fruit was very nice, to bad where I live now the only exotic fruit I can get is Mangos and Pineapples both are very good but nothing like the fresh Pineapples and Mango's I had while in Hawaii and over seas.