Half Hots anyone?

I'm going to go ahead and try my first post here in the "Food and Beverage" topic.
I felt like trying some new things here at the house.  I've had Half Hots a couple times and loved them.  Since we were making Baked Ziti I decided that some of these buggers would be great.  The recipe is below then the pics.
1/3 cup rice
Salt to taste
8 Hungarian wax pepper, each about 6 inches long
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 large yellow onion, chopped (about 1 cup)
8 ounces ground meat (see Note below)
1 egg
1/3 cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
3 tablespoons chopped fresh Italian parsley
2 teaspoons chopped fresh oregano
4 cups (or as needed) Tomato Sauce or home made sauce 

Directions: Peppers with a slight kick to them, like the cubanellas or banana peppers suggested above are wonderful for this dish. If you can’t find those, choose the long, thin-skinned peppers often sold as ‘Italian frying peppers’ in supermarkets. Serve the peppers dressed with some of the sauce and Italian bread, grated Pecorino Romano cheese and a drizzle of olive oil.
Cook the rice in a large saucepan of boiling salted water until al dente—tender but firm—about 12 minutes. Drain and cool to room temperature.
While the rice is cooking, preheat the oven to 400° F, prepare the peppers and start the filling: Cut the stems from the peppers and scrape out the seeds and membranes with a teaspoon. Heat 2 tablespoons of the olive oil in a small skillet over medium heat. Stir in the onions and cook, stirring, until wilted, about 4 minutes. Scrape the onions into a mixing bowl, add the ground meat, egg, grated cheese, parsley, oregano and cooked rice, and stir together until evenly blended.
Divide the filling among the peppers, using about ¼ cup to fill each pepper loosely. Rub the outside of the peppers lightly with the remaining tablespoon of olive oil, placing them into a 13 x 9-inch baking dish as you do so. Roast the peppers, turning once or twice with tongs, until softened and lightly browned in spots, about 20 minutes. 
Pour in enough of the tomato sauce to barely cover the peppers. Cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake until the peppers are tender and the filling is cooked through, 30 to 40 minutes. Remove and let stand 10 minutes before serving.

Note: A mix of ground beef, pork and veal is best, but that might not be practical. Try at least to use a blend of ground pork and beef, but failing that, all ground beef or pork will do.

10 purdy peppers all in a row..

Got the Rice on in the back and Hamburger in the front.

With some burger meat, Italian sausage, with the above recipe.  My lovely wife went ahead and stuffed these and got them in the oven when I got home from an errand..  Got to love her..  :)

Cooked them at 350 cause of Ziti being in the oven too.  Turned them three times for about 15 mins.

Here's the Ziti and Peppers...  Had four teenagers and two adults..  We had just enough.. LOL

First helping....  I had three of these.....
Only had one pepper left when all was said and done.  They were good but I'm up for any suggestions to make the recipe better.  The only thing I couldn't get is the vinegar flavor that I've had before from other places.
Thanks for reading.
Only 3 helpings?
Dude that looks so good I'd eat the whole 'dang 'thang!
Bein' a bo-hunk myself I grew up eating dishes just like that. Ma would use stewed tomato's in lieu of sauce and heavy on the garlic. Never oregano though but it pretty much looked the same as yours. That was our 'merikan version of goulash. And the stuffed peppers? Yep. just like that.
Too bad there weren't any leftovers.
It gets even better the next day!
texas blues said:
Only 3 helpings?
Dude that looks so good I'd eat the whole 'dang 'thang!
Bein' a bo-hunk myself I grew up eating dishes just like that. Ma would use stewed tomato's in lieu of sauce and heavy on the garlic. Never oregano though but it pretty much looked the same as yours. That was our 'merikan version of goulash. And the stuffed peppers? Yep. just like that.
Too bad there weren't any leftovers.
It gets even better the next day!
There were leftovers of the Baked Ziti..  Just no Half Hots.. :(
I had a 4 cups Tupperware crammed full for lunch at work.. Why is it that any type of pasta is better the next day?
We are probably have Fried Ziti for leftovers for dinner..  Frying pan. REAL butter, leftover Ziti and more Mozzarella!!!  I'm going to be so sick tomorrow after eating this for three meals.
Funniest part of this story is that my 18 yr old got up this morning and ate a huge helping for breakfast before school.. LOL  Chip off the ol block!!
I got a pot of beans I need to finish off but your post is just too much.
I gotz to be making some of ma's goulash inspired by this thread.
My wife and I does something like that with Anaheim's I have them for dinner and then if any are left for breakfast!!! I really like to add some home made Salsa Verde!!!