food HALP! me cook brussel sprouts and/or asparagus =)

Brussels sprouts, I like em! Cut in half, saute in a pan with a little olive oil, salt and pepper, that's it! Pan frying them like that kills most of the bitterness. Also good oven roasted with potatoes, carrots, parsnips, turnips, or whatever other root vegetables you can dig up.

For grilling I prefer the thin stalks that come from female asparagus plants, just coat with oil and sprinkle a dash of salt.

For the fat (male) stalks, chop to 2" lengths, lightly blanch and drain. In a fry pan heat vegetable oil, add 2-3 cloves of garlic (don't peel them, just give each one a nice hard whack with the side of a chef's knife or cleaver), after about 30 seconds, add the asparagus and toss several times to coat with the garlicky oil, cook for an additional minute or so. remove from heat and add 3-4 Tbsp of oyster sauce, toss or stir to coat, plate and serve.
Grilled asparagus with olive oil, sea salt, fresh cracked black pepper and a little zest of orange and lemon... Heaven.
So many good ideas in this thread, thanks all ...


chopped garlic nearly crisped in applewood-smoked bacon fat ...


tossed in a oven bag ...


baked ...


we pulled each bite with a fork at various stages of baking - through burning (on purpose) ...


oops ... one fell in the salty clarified butter ...


i liked them burnt a little bit more ...


had them again a second time ... this time w/ some spuds and a little bit of subtle, well-rounded seasoning ...


also tasty ...


used a little bit of heaven on them the second time ...


thanks for all the input!
Asparagus, grilled is awesome coated with EVOO.
Or toss them with OO, layer them in a pan, drizzle Balsamic Vinegar over them, sprinkle Garlic Salt and Pepper.
Roast in the oven at 450° for about 10 minutes, or until you like them.
I'm a little late to the party with this one, but in addition to this preparation, I also drizzle a little honey or maple syrup.
I do them in the oven, as described, or on the grill. The sugars from the balsamic and the honey or syrup caramelizes very nicely!
Heres a way for Monkey Balls 
Love Asspergas but the funny pee smell is not so funny ;)
Dang - brain farted on how to post videos
GM,  how many bottles of (TCP) hot sauce would it take to bribe you to send me a bottle of the 18 y/o balsamic?  And a bottle of oil from the same company? 
I'm assuming they have OO since that's their name~~~
grantmichaels said:
The lack of a gas grill (have had many) is really getting to me ... but since I really prefer the Weber (which I have), I was plotting a smoker this year (which I've not yet had) ...
When you jump on the smoker, you have to coat asparagus lightly with oil (or cooking spray) and then put your favorite BBQ rub on them and then onto the smoker when whatever meat you're smoking is close to being finished.  I think about 20 -30 minutes was all I cooked them for.  Sooo good and still have a nice crunch to them.
Another new to me with asparagus ( I'm like you and hated it as a kid, but only ever had it out of a can as a kid)  Is to grow it in your garden.   We planted it last year. And it started to come up this year.  Has a greater nutty almost peanut like taste raw out of the garden. 
My fave way of having leeks/cabbage/b'sprouts is to finely shred them and then stir fry with onion, garlic and dried whole peppers.
Little late to this party, myself, but one mistake that a lot of people make with B sprouts is overcooking (usually boiling) till brown coloration and a strong odor develops.  This is one reason why people think that they do not like them, they have had a poor preparation of them.
An original grandma"s recipe from Belgium (yes Brussels is our capital).
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • little cubes of bacon and ham (as much as u like, I prefer not to much, but that is anyone's choise)
  • butter
  • water
  • pepper and salt
How to do it
Take the sprouts and clean them thouroughly meaning : peel of the outer leaves and brown or yellow ones so u have firm nice green sprouts, then wash them.
Heat a frying pan and put it on medium heat (a pan where u have a lid for is best as we are going to simmer (braise) them with the lid on the pan).
In the fryingpan u melt a tablespoon of butter, when the butter has browned (dont let it get black!!) u bake the bacon and ham, when baked to your preference
(I prefer just a little crunchy) u take out the little blocks of ham and put them aside.
Then u throw in the brussels sprouts, add a pinch of salt & pepper and while constantly stirring u bake them so they get them a little bit crunchy (takes about 5-10 mins according your furnace heat) The baking of the sprouts will add extra flavour instead of just cooking them in water.
After that is done u poor in a small glass of water, toss in the bacon and ham cubes put the lid on the pan (a bit crooked so the water can slowly evaporate)and let it all simmer for
about 15-20 minutes till all the water has evaporated and there u have some real tasty braised sprouts!!
Just keep an eye out for the moment when the water has evaporated, cause when the sprouts are not taken of the stove then they will burn!!
Recipe for asparagus
Same as with the brussels sprouts, except u leave out the ham&bacon and when the water has allmost evaporated add a small glass of milk and let simmer for 5 minutes longer
Tip: medium to low heat!! cause milk will get burned fast!
Hope I've been of any help, these are real authentic Belgian recipes.
I like to take my Brussels and run them through a robo, with the slicer attachment. Sauté with oil, butter, lots of garlic and S&P. Keep it simple.