
I love real black forest ham from Germany, love the smoke ring and flavor. I also like French ham to mix on sammies, so tender with silky soft fat! And ALL Italian hams from prosciutto to capicola, cotto, and speck!... And let's not forget Spain please... jamon Iberico!!!!!!! What a loaded question! :rofl:
Muckyai said:
Just googled jamon... now I understand why Michael Jackson was always singing about that stuff!
Black Forrest or Gypsie ham is excellent. I have no idea what brand the international market gets but both are great.
My 2 favorite commercial hams are Fricks flat carver ham and the Kirkland Master Carve ham at Costco. They might even be the same brand. There are better hams but not for under $3/lb. After New Years i can usually get the Fricks at $1.50/lb or less which is a steal. I snagged one last year for 99cents/lb when they were blowing them out before they expired.

slices of Jamón serrano  wrapped around perfectly ripe slices of Charentais melon is the ultimate bite of ham for me.    I wouldn't pass up Iberico but for my taste good Serrano is where it is at, and perfectly ripe  Charentais  is basically the best cantaloupe you will ever taste. Not necessarily sweeter than normal cantaloupe but it is like the flavour and smell of it is turned up to 11. 
if we are talking other than dried hams then there are a couple of local producers that do a smoked ham  similar to black forest that is excellent.  Local polish store/butcher shop has a large smoke room out
back where they do bacon, ham , kolbassa  and a variety of other smoked things on a weekly basis.  My wife and I have the schedule down so that we know what day and approx what time  the new weeks batch are ready if we want some. 
Just last month I did up a few hot smoked "hams" on the weber.   Not technically ham I guess because I made it out of center cut loin that was on sale for 1.49 / lb  but if commercial producers can call steamed , vacuum separated  and then formed meat ham , I don't feel too bad calling it ham.  I guess it is closer to back bacon than anything but I hot smoke with chunks of apple and sugar maple to 160 F so it is fully cooked.  Dry cure mix of salt , pink salt, brown sugar for 5 days, rinse, half hour soak, pat dry and let come up to room temp on a rack to form a pellicle before hitting smoker. 

Some great suggestions. Thought I would offer a simple recipe.

Using either of the hams you mentioned, slice off about as much as you think you will eat in one sitting.

You will need: ham, coffee and sugar. (The coffee being a cup of coffee, drinkable - black coffee not flavored coffee and no creamer)

Use a non-stick skillet (preferable) and place in the ham and the coffee ( the coffee should just cover the meat so you might need more than a cup) and crank up the heat...
When it begins to boil, add sugar, liberally. I don't have a measurement to give but when the bubbles become fine, you're good. 

Continue cooking, stirring, allowing the water to evaporate and leave behind what amounts to a candied syrup coating. The meat will absorb the color of the coffee. Oddly enough, there isn't a hint of true coffee flavor left - but what does remain is a wonderful uniquely flavored dish that you will enjoy.

A recipe that my dad taught me when I was a kid. He called it "candy ham."

Hope this finds you well and I am certain you will enjoy the dish! 

- Reggie. 
Not to start a controversy, but what about Canadian Back Bacon? It is like hams long lost cousin. It’s great for pizza, samwiches, and just to fry up and eat. [emoji39]
It’s just like basic ham.

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