Handwashing Practices

Now that we're working w/ superhot's on the daily, the handwashing routine is getting pretty arduous ...

Is there something better than dish soap and rubbing alcohol? ...

I'm to the point where I seem to have a light coating of oil 24 hrs a day despite these measures =)
I feel your pain. Literally.... right now.... Just finished up a batch of Incinerator for Candice. Even though I wear nitrile gloves for the processing, there's no help when washing the equipment. 7 Pots, Trinidad Scorpions, and pure capsaicin. :flamethrower:

Try some first aid spray if you have some. There's some sprays that have numbing stuff in it. I'm counting the minutes until hubby gets home with some for me to try. OOoooowwwwwwwww!
I have heard that vinegar will take the burn off... but I have not tried it myself.

Actually... this thread might be beneficial:

Nitrile exam gloves. Do not use latex as the cap will permeate through..... I find with Superhots it's best to just not get it on your skin.
OMG ... I am just handling .. jalapenos... And Habanero .. scared Now
... Writing down all the good tips!!

All it takes is one rub of the eye or nose and you will never forget to cover your hands and trace your points of contamination to ensure you never do it again.

I had a buddy cook with habaneros and after doing so he rubbed his eyes. He thought that hurt. Too make matters worse, after thinking he had washed his hands well, he had to use the toilet. I don't need to explain any further the new experience in pain he wished he had never felt.
Cut up a red brain the other day. Bare handed. Felt like a chemical burn on my thumb, even after washing with soap and water . . . in triplicate.
I have a few stories that relate to this but ill just skip the crotch story and go into the one about taking out a contact lens a day later. I think the oils permeate into the lense material. Might as well just throw them away.
I have a few stories that relate to this but ill just skip the crotch story and go into the one about taking out a contact lens a day later. I think the oils permeate into the lense material. Might as well just throw them away.

Wow... never would have thought of that. I don't wear contacts, but that is definitely good to know.
I have a few stories that relate to this but ill just skip the crotch story and go into the one about taking out a contact lens a day later. I think the oils permeate into the lense material. Might as well just throw them away.

This actually the reason I stopped wearing contacts many years ago. Took them out one night after cutting up a biker billy, probably about #6 on my top ten most painful experiences.
Gloves. Latex, nitrile, what have you. When you get the contact that's still bound to happen eventually, I've found Lava soap works pretty well. But it might still burn, depending on how much contact you got and where. I'm a mechanic, so every little nick, cut, scab, and hangnail that are always on my hands tend to absorb capsaicin like a wick. I just deal with the remaining burn, nothing I've tried really helps with the fingernail/cuticle/cut burn. Prevention is the key.
This actually the reason I stopped wearing contacts many years ago. Took them out one night after cutting up a biker billy, probably about #6 on my top ten most painful experiences.

The cornea has more nerves per square cm than anywhere on the body and no blood supply to aid healing (or it wouldn't be translucent) ...

gm (worked in ophthalmology for 7+ yrs) ...
woody3says called it, given enough exposure and time, latex gloves aren't enough. If you're just processing a dozen peppers then taking the gloves off they'll do but not for processing a large batch.

The idea with vegetable oil is it is washing away some of the pepper oil BEFORE you introduce a solvent or detergent that helps that pepper oil get down into your skin's pores by also dissolving the oils already in your skin.

Has anyone else here eaten enough hot peppers in a short period that rather than absorbing the heat through your skin, capsaicin is actually being excreted OUT of your sweat glands? Happens to me every now and then, I'll be working outside when it's hot, not touching my eyes at all and sweat will run down into them causing misery for a couple minutes.
Last batch of Habanero poppers got my hands for some reason more than usual. Felt like I had icy hot or tigerbalm on them the next morning. Ill have to try some cooking oil next time I forget the gloves. Thanks!
Hmm... maybe I can rub one on my knee next time it flares up and then rub some ice on it afterwards... lol
I bought some Solarcaine first aid spray this morning. I needed it for my hands and also for one foot. I wear water sandals in the summer while processing and some sauce splattered onto my foot (sauce contains 7 Pots, t-Scorps and capsaicin). Off to work this morning in tennies, one foot was BURNING!

The Solarcaine (sp?) spray helped temporarily for the hand and foot burn. I re-applied the spray to my hands a couple times this morning. The Solarcaine helped with the foot burn for a couple hours, then the burn came back.

If you find yourself in a burning situation, definitely try using Solarcaine, or other first aid type spray! Something for sun-burns, something with Lidocane....will probably help. Might even help in those desperate situations when there's an accidental burn in "those" areas. ;)