Happily annoyed at my plants.

imaguitargod said:
Good question, only time will tell. Are they getting droopy in the leaves, are they turning yellow?

no they seems fine...but tonite freeze warning...better cover them right...the freeze is going to last only for 2 days
Ya, cover em, that's the best thing for em, minus moving them indoors of corse.

And classical music is always the best for plants! Your babies should do fine, Sky.
We gave up on over-wintering our plants this year due to repeated aphid and spider mite infestations, but decided to pot them in water to finish ripening, just like cut flowers. Just hose off all the dirt from the roots and keep the roots submerged in water, change the water every 2-3 days, give 'em a little light. Works like a charm!

A few days post potting and I'm getting wilting and leaf dropping.
Not looking good at this point, but I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet.

If all else fails, it will be sort of like pulling them out and just leaving the pods on it to ripen.
i thought my hab was done, but ive brought it in the garage for the past few days and then set it out in the sun when its warm outside, and its got about 15 nice sized pods on it right now, they arent ripe though :shocked:
imaguitargod said:
Don't give up hope yet, Sky. They may just be going through a phase of shock.

Shock indeed. 99% of the leaves have dropped off leaving only a few. It doesn't "feel" dead, though. The stem still feels alive, and the peppers that are left aren't drying up.

I'm still watering it and talking to it and trying to send some good growy happy cappy thoughts to it.
Leaves are all pretty much gone.
a few of the larger peppers are still on the plant. They haven't turned leathery or wilted and seem to be ripening.

there may be two small leaves opening up, but not 100% sure.

guarded optimism.