Hardening off against the wind

So weather here has become a lot better - basically no night temps below 5 celsius.
I have no issue with sunburning my peppers - they are well adjusted, and I have several half-shade spots I can put them outside. The big issue is the bloody wind.
How do I prepare them for the wind? Stakes? Trimming the biggest leaves? (Some leaves are REALLY big, and catches a lot of wind). Just placing the plants in a spot somewhat shielded from the wind?
I had put one plant outside today, but wind-gushes reached 15 m/s, which is quite windy. 
The plant lost quite a few leaves, but seems to be ok otherwise.

A few of my plants. The Jalapeno is somewhat leggy, and I don't think the other plants are much better prepared for the wind either.

I had to stake up a few of my taller plants. I used two stakes per plant and strung them using some craft cord so they'd have some give but wouldn't blow over. I also put the stakes a few inches from the stems so they didn't hurt the roots as bad going in and wouldn't disrupt the growth of the plant
alright the plants will usually have no problem dealing with the wind after a while (unless they are huge) best way to do this is in my opinion  taking rope and tying it everywhere on the plant and tying all of those to a "ring" made of rope around the pot
alternatively use a cage
Bamboo stake by main stem tied at a couple points if you're having problems with it flopping over.
A plant with extensive root system that developed in the harsh environment would have already built up a stronger stem, but since we transplant into different environments sometimes they just need someone to hold em up for a while. 
Coldgrowth, how did you end up solving the problem and how are your plants doing? I myself am looking at putting the plants outside and am worried about my babies. We don't have quite as strong winds as you yet but they come up to 10m/s. 