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Hardening Off...Details?

I'm planning ahead to begin hardening off my plants in early May. It's my understanding that the plants should be left in the shade for a few days at first. Is this correct? After that, do I leave them in the sun for 1 hour per day, increasing by 1 hour every few days? I'm in need of details. Thanks.
I am no pro at this process but I start the process with morning sun. Day 1 is one hour and each day I increase until I get to 7 hours. I then start to provide the late afternoon sun while still protecting them from the harshest midday sun. After about 10 - 14 days I put the babies in the ground.
I'm no expert either, but we're so close to the sun that I keep the plants out of the sun and in the shade for about a week, increasing the time outside by an hour or two a day. Right now mine are up to 6 hours in the shade, but no nighttime for about a week more. Still way too cold.

Next week I'll time the sun and the exposure so the plants get an hour of morning sun and then increase one hour every day. They should be hardened off in about 2 weeks, though they won't go in the ground until the nighttime temps are 50 or above. Then I hope to cover them with sunscreen as we get hail in June and last year many lost lots of leaves.

Good luck with your endeavors. Whoever said gardening was easy, never gardened.
It all really depends on where you live, what kind of weather you're putting them out in and what strain of plant you're growing (if you want to get real technical)

Whatever the plants can handle. Test it out the first day. Go for one hour and see how they take it. If they look good, leave them out longer, if they're wilting, bring them back in and let them come back...then start the process over again.
I do the same as 3/5King, I just take em out and if they like it they stay if not they go back inside.

I have some already hardened off and some still wilt while some just love being under the sun.

I'm also doing this on morning sun.

, Vegas
It is so important to be patient during the hardening off process. I've tried to rush it in the past and you can really screw up your plants if you don't let them ease into the outdoor weather properly.
i agree with there being no hard and fast method, or set times. its all about stressing the plant then giving it the break it needs by bringing it back inside.

im hardening off in full heat and sunlight right now. i left my new sprouts outside for 2 hrs today with no wilting. assuming they look ok, ill be back at it again tomorrow for 3 hours. with some monitoring, i could go shorter or longer depending on how they look.
I'm planning ahead to begin hardening off my plants in early May. It's my understanding that the plants should be left in the shade for a few days at first. Is this correct? After that, do I leave them in the sun for 1 hour per day, increasing by 1 hour every few days? I'm in need of details. Thanks.

What sun? I don't think I've ever been through Grants Pass when the sun was shining. (I just have to rib you, having grown up in Eugene.)
I start with 1 hour a day in direct sun for the first 2-3 days, then go to 3-4 hours/day for another 3-4 days then depending on how they've responded so far I either go to 6 hours a day for a few more days or just put them out and leave em. Like others have said, just be patient and you'll be able to tell how your plants are reacting and act accordingly. On the other hand my brother just puts his outside with no hardening and aside from a little wilting/sunburn he's never had a problem, but better to be safe than sorry IMO.