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Hardening Off Question

I feel like the parent of a 20 year old living in the basement... "I love you man, but you gotta go." I have 300 plants that I started too early and they've gotta get out of the house. I'm a teacher & this week has been Spring Break. A decent portion of my Spring Break has been spent moving 20 trays of plants from a room above the detached garage to the driveway for a few hours, making sure they had enough water & support from the wind & then taking them back in. 
Up until this week, they hadn't been out longer than an hour at a time. Throughout the week, I've extended their time outside to 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours & yesterday, they were out for 8 hours. Highs this week have been around 76-88. I'd like to plant out some today (probably no more than 30 of 300) & then others as time permits this week, with all out next Sunday. Tomatoes too.
First question: Is this enough hardening off?
Second question: I was planning on pulling them outside now (1 PM) and letting them stay out until 1-2 AM (I don't sleep much) tonight... or maybe even overnight. Low tonight is 55. Grow room is hot lately- 85-92, but because there's no heat in the room, it's been as low as 66-68 a couple of weeks ago. Kept them out until about 9 PM last night & it was around 68-70. Just moved to this house & this has only been their home for 3 weeks. I'll have to figure out a heat source next winter.
Anyway, let me know what you think. 
I tend not to coddle. Few hours the first week then its all day as long as the temp is 60 and above. Yea I might lose a few week ones or have to pull a couple back indoors but for the most part it's sink or swim.
I lived in Rock Hill and from what I remember of the temps, I think you should be alright as far as lows go. there is however always the exception to the rule and you have to be prepared for that.
The days and hours they have been out. bright sun? overcast? indirect sun exposure?
CAPCOM said:
I lived in Rock Hill and from what I remember of the temps, I think you should be alright as far as lows go. there is however always the exception to the rule and you have to be prepared for that.
The days and hours they have been out. bright sun? overcast? indirect sun exposure?
Kind of a mixture. Some in the bright sun on sunny days. Some, a little less direct sun & partly cloudy days. Thanks. BTW, I'm sending you something tomorrow. Maybe you'll like it- maybe not, but if not, I bet you'll find a good home for it. Take care.
coachspencerxc said:
Kind of a mixture. Some in the bright sun on sunny days. Some, a little less direct sun & partly cloudy days. Thanks. BTW, I'm sending you something tomorrow. Maybe you'll like it- maybe not, but if not, I bet you'll find a good home for it. Take care.
In that case, I would think you are set for a successful plant out. I am still waiting for the temps to cooperate here.
Wow, you have my curiosity peaked, thank you.
Post some picks when you get them in the ground .  it will be a change to see plants not in cups and containers.
Sounds like you're good to go.
I'm still stuck on only a few hours a week. Weather just doesn't want to cooperate. Every time it's warm enough it's too windy. I left them out yesterday while i went fishing and a few dried out and wilted pretty bad. They bounce back after a good water though. Still a month to go here unfortunately. 
D3monic said:
Sounds like you're good to go.
I'm still stuck on only a few hours a week. Weather just doesn't want to cooperate. Every time it's warm enough it's too windy. I left them out yesterday while i went fishing and a few dried out and wilted pretty bad. They bounce back after a good water though. Still a month to go here unfortunately. 
yeah, Joliet isn't so far south of me that you have any weather advantages. Used to be, spring came and it was here. Mine are still in the basement under hps I wont move them til they go under the tarp.
Forgot to mention, I left them out for 4 hours one day with 20 mph wind. Carefully monitoring them. They withstood just fine with only the tallest baccatums staked.
coachspencerxc said:
Forgot to mention, I left them out for 4 hours one day with 20 mph wind. Carefully monitoring them. They withstood just fine with only the tallest baccatums staked.
What are they in right now? mine are still in solo cups and I will have to build a support when they go outside to keep the cups upright.
CAPCOM said:
What are they in right now? mine are still in solo cups and I will have to build a support when they go outside to keep the cups upright.
How many are you growing? I have some cheap plastic, rectangular bins from Walmart or Target and use those until I can move them to their final homes. They're light-weight so easy to move. One even has wheels (it's meant to be an under-bed storage container.)
geeme said:
How many are you growing? I have some cheap plastic, rectangular bins from Walmart or Target and use those until I can move them to their final homes. They're light-weight so easy to move. One even has wheels (it's meant to be an under-bed storage container.)
Well, let me put it this way. when I tried to enter my grow list on my profile page I got this message.
Grow List: The data you entered exceeds the maximum allowed
Probably pretty close to what coachspencexc has going on.
geeme said:
How many are you growing? I have some cheap plastic, rectangular bins from Walmart or Target and use those until I can move them to their final homes. They're light-weight so easy to move. One even has wheels (it's meant to be an under-bed storage container.)
CAPCOM said:
What are they in right now? mine are still in solo cups and I will have to build a support when they go outside to keep the cups upright.
3.5" square pots. Pretty stable. 
geeme said:
How many are you growing? I have some cheap plastic, rectangular bins from Walmart or Target and use those until I can move them to their final homes. They're light-weight so easy to move. One even has wheels (it's meant to be an under-bed storage container.)
Right around 300 plants- 152 varieties up. Planted 28 more varieties last night like a dummy. :)
CAPCOM said:
Well, let me put it this way. when I tried to enter my grow list on my profile page I got this message.
Grow List: The data you entered exceeds the maximum allowed
Probably pretty close to what coachspencexc has going on.
hee hee.
Wind is what usually gets me.  Even with oscillating fans in the grow room, we have so much wind here that part of hardening off for me is not just temperature.  Gotta have them out in some mild wind for a while.
Hmm... trial by fire, I guess... or flood, as the case may be. Had been 70s & 80s all last week. Planted 18 plants of my 300 in the ground a few days ago- partially because that's all I had time for & partially because I didn't want to commit to more in case things went wrong. I knew we were in for some rain & cooler temps this week, but not like this. It's rained everyday & it'll get down to 48 tonight. Was 50 at 3 PM. Pouring rain all day today. Yesterday was two short bursts of rain & 25 mph winds. Looked fine yesterday but I didn't check today except from the window. Looked OK from a distance.
One more day of cool rain & then up to 80 Friday & 84 Saturday. We'll see how things work out. So much for the very regimented bottom watering. If the fungus gnats are hanging out in this downpour, more power to them. :)