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Hardening Off

This is something that I've never really had to worry about because my plants usually go straight out into the sun as soon as they sprout, but this season I've had the plants under lights for many months and now it's getting warmer I want to put them outside......

SO.......How should I go about this????

Should I Start off my putting them in the shade for an hour each day for a few days then gradually start putting them in the sun for small periods of time for a week??

I don't want to undo all my hard work, But I don't really know the best way to harden off......

My day time temps are warm but not hot and the night time temps are still a little clod so the plants would come back inside at night...

Thanks guys and gals.
Use the search feature available on here.......there are lots of posts about this:P just kidding........ with over 3500 posts I thought you'd be an expert on this.............being serious now, you are on the right track, expose to full sun very slow over the course of a week or two with more direct sun and longer time in the sun each day.:)
Smart Arse....:D

Yeah that's what i thought. At the end of the day, I'm a direct ground seed sower and have never really gone down the path of lights and winter growing so This is slightly new to me......And yeah there are probably heaps of threads about this but sometimes it good to ask the question again so newer people can have there say......:)
I did what chillilover is saying. sometimes certain plants the leaves started dropping or turning yellow quicker than others so keep an eye on that and pull them into the shade when you see signs of that happening.

start off with an hour of full sun and watch how they react, then gradually increase. how tall are your plants right now? a stronger stem to begin with will probably mean they will handle being thrown outside a bit quicker. My smaller plants I had to keep an eye on, and kept them away from rain and winds as well for about 2 weeks.
chillilover said:
Use the search feature available on here.......there are lots of posts about this:P just kidding........ with over 3500 posts I thought you'd be an expert on this.............being serious now, you are on the right track, expose to full sun very slow over the course of a week or two with more direct sun and longer time in the sun each day.:)

Folling in chillilover's smart ass footsteps, CLICK ME
The plants are only about 3 inches tall on average. so I'll have them staked as well. It's a bit windy here at the moment so I'll have to watch out for that, Thanks for the reminder about wind Ballzworth....
I'm not too kind to my plants when first putting them out, but then again, when I put them in the greenhouse they aren't getting full sun. They only get diffused sun because of the translucent plastic.
moyboy said:
Smart Arse....:D
And yeah there are probably heaps of threads about this but sometimes it good to ask the question again so newer people can have there say......:)

I was just kidding about searching too......:P
I have found that they are pretty tough moyboy, last year i didn't know wtf i was doing (not much has changed) and left them out in full sun alllll day when they didn't even have true leaves! I would let them nearly die and then give them a rest in the shade when i got home from work. i do believe this stunted the hell out of them though and i lost about 6 plants this way.

I might go home now and put them outside until i get home :P
Wait, first you were having trouble getting them up. Now you're having problems hardening them off? What's next, trouble getting them to pop off in your mouth? Maybe trouble when the hit the back of your throat?

FiveStar said:
Wait, first you were having trouble getting them up. Now you're having problems hardening them off? What's next, trouble getting them to pop off in your mouth? Maybe trouble when the hit the back of your throat?


Silver_Surfer said:
How long does it take for a UDS delivery?

That thing must have been shipped from the other side of the galaxy! :D


FiveStar said:
YES! Already we bash the Moy!

Only took 11 replies!


I would expect nothing less....:D
If Nova adjusts the meter you know i'll actually ban you just so he will set it back.....:D

So go on.......................go get Nova!!!!! :lol: