yield-harvest Harvest 1-1-2008

Thought I posted this last night, sorry if it's a repeat.

I picked these out of the hoop house yesterday. There's Dedo De Mocha, Grenada Seasoning, Pimiento Di Chiero, Lemon Drop, Tobago Seasoning, Trinidad Seasoning, Cherry Chocolate, Sheepnose Pimento, Criolla Sella, Hinkle Hatz, Puppy, and Venus of Wallendorf. The small basket has Limon Peppers, they're separate because my boss wanted some.


If my cold weather precautions don't hold, this may be the last harvest for these plants. It's supposed to get down into the teens tonight.
Wow, it seems like the hoop house is working great! hope it'll keep working even at the low temps coming.
Very Nice Harvest Ms. Pam....Hope you have even better ones in 2008.
I really need to get pepper seeds that are not so outragesly hot ... I get caught up in the heat and forget about the others...

Nice harvest Pam -- From all of our snow, sleet and freezing rain the only thing I have now is dried :jealous:
Thanks y'all.

The good news is that despite it being 24F outside last night, the low temperature in the hoop house was 46F. Keep your fingers crossed, tonight is supposed to be the coldest.

BTW, Luckydog, while I really like your new avatar, every time I see it I get the "Underdog" song stuck in my head.
Well, we made it through the cold snap without any casualties. The Chiero pepper looks pretty rough and dropped some upper leaves, and some of the others look peaked; but none of them froze or are frost nipped.

It'll be warmer next week, so they'll have a chance to recover. I'm thinking that it might be time to cut all the remaining plants back hard. It's nice to be harvesting peppers, but they'll need to be cut back at some point. I'm waffling a bit, because once they're cut back, they'll start sprouting tender new growth, and that might take more damage if we have another bitter* cold snap.

*Ok, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, all you Canadians can stop laughing now. It was bitter cold for South Carolina, though.
Nice lookin' Limon Habs. I can't wait to get mine back outside so I can get rid of the teeny weeny ones and sprout some real peppers on that plant.
They look great Pam. Have you tried the Hinkle Hatz yet? If so what's it like? I'm growing it this year even though I didn't have a clue about heat, flavour, etc when I put it in the soil this morning (it was spelt wrong on the label so I couldn't find it at first on thechileman site, can now thanks).