Harvesting seeds that were in the fridge

First of all, hi! I am new here. I fancy myself a good gardener and have decided to try my hand at chili peppers. ;)

I was given some jalapeno and habanero. Foolishly, I've put them in the fridge overnight. I am wanting to harvest them for seeds. Is the fact that the peppers have spent some time in the fridge going to be a problem?
yay! Thank you very much. I will be harvesting them today and keeping the pepper in the freezer for an upcoming chili recipe. ;)
Kittyfang said:
yay! Thank you very much. I will be harvesting them today and keeping the pepper in the freezer for an upcoming chili recipe. ;)

Welcome to the board!

But before you dash off in joy, are the peppers ripe? If they're not, the seeds probably won't germinate.
Kittyfang said:
The jalapenos are green and firm and the habanero is a bright red and ripe also. I am told that they are ripe.

The habaneros are ripe,then; but the jalapeños aren't. They should be red, too. Since people tend to eat jalapeños still in the green stage, a lot of people don't realize that they ripen to red.
Is there something special about these jalapeños that makes you want to save these seeds? I ask because there's a decent chance that the seeds won't mature, but you won't know until you go to plant them. Jalapeño seeds are very easy to come by, and you might be better off just buying a packet of seed.
Well first of all, I don't have a lot of money, so I'm use to saving the seeds of whatever it is I have. Also, we don't have a lot of seeds around (Lowe's is pretty much empty at this time).

But I'm still hoping I can get something out of them.. If not, I still have the habanero. :lol:
May I ask about the banana in the bag trick? You put a green pepper in a paper bag with a ripe banana to ripen the pepper, correct? Is the banana peeled or unpeeled? Is there any kind of time element involved? How ripe does the banana have to be?
As far as I know, pretty much anything stuffed into a brown paper bag with an unpeeled yellow banana will ripen. Keep an eye on it though, you don't want to be a day too late.
Well I dont have any bananas (and, believe it or not) no way to get any, so, I've placed both chili in a plastic bag alone, hoping that the same process will take place.

They still are green and unchanged.

Also, I've seeded and cut the habanero. The chili is in the freezer and the seeds are on toilet paper drying. :)

And, maybe out of insanity, I licked my finger when I was done! :onfire:
eremite said:
May I ask about the banana in the bag trick? You put a green pepper in a paper bag with a ripe banana to ripen the pepper, correct? Is the banana peeled or unpeeled? Is there any kind of time element involved? How ripe does the banana have to be?

The emission of Ethylene from the bananas accelerate the ripening process.
The emission of Ethylene from the bananas accelerate the ripening process.

I have placed a whole banana beneath tomato plants when planting out. the plant is supposed to absorb the bananas nutrients and gases as it decomposes. I don't really know if it works or not but I did have mighty fine tomatoes! you could probably do the same with chile plants I guess...
chilliman64 said:
I have placed a whole banana beneath tomato plants when planting out. the plant is supposed to absorb the bananas nutrients and gases as it decomposes. I don't really know if it works or not but I did have mighty fine tomatoes! you could probably do the same with chile plants I guess...

Working banana peels into the soil is a favorite trick of rose growers.
Banana is a strange thing..its the worlds biggest herd (doesn't have a wooded trunk). They grow wild in my yard, the fruit bats fight over them at night, blue-faced honey eaters through the day. Good screening from the neighbors too.

But yes, stick one in a bag with any other fruit & it speeds up the ripening.
bentalphanerd said:
Banana is a strange thing..its the worlds biggest herd

Don't they stampede when the fruit bats attack?

Ok, sorry, couldn't resist. Got a picture in my head of bunches of bananas galloping wildly around your backyard and now I have the worst case of the giggles.

Nice way to start the morning...