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Has anyone been in contact with a pepper daemon?

hogleg said:
Yes, my Goatsweeds (aka Diablo's) are always talking shit about my other pepper plants, except my pubes (they never speak ill of the pubes, must be a fuzzy thing).
They mock my supers "wanhh! I got aphids, the winds blowing to hard, its to hot, its to cold". Then I come out and they say to me "WHY??? why do you put these weak pussy ass plants next to me. KILL THEM AND FEED ME THEIR SOULS!!!"
I could have guessed that if anyone talked to the Deamons, it would be one of you west coast guys. Must be a Pacific thing. :high:
Jeff H said:
I could have guessed that if anyone talked to the Deamons, it would be one of you west coast guys. Must be a Pacific thing. :high:
Honestly, communication with the spirits of plants is more common than most people in the modern world realize. It's the basis of Amazonian shamanic training, healers in Jamaica do it too. Undoubtedly, in my mind, pepper spirits exist. I just haven't personally had contact with one. I bet somebody on this board has though.
Well, unless there is evidence for any real pepper daemons or spirits, I refuse to believe they exist other than being programs for some task in a Linux distro.
Bhut_Trolokia said:
Well, unless there is evidence for any real pepper daemons or spirits, I refuse to believe they exist other than being programs for some task in a Linux distro.
There is quite a bit of evidence. I don't want to get into this answer too deeply (oops guess I already made this answer too long), because it's the wrong forum for this. But, for example, many people who take ayahuasca report coming into contact with the spirit of ayahuasca and possibly the various plants that make up the legendary brew. So here you have a significant amount of personal, visual evidence from people from all over the world who have taken ayahuasca. If you want that evidence yourself, you can take ayahuasca too and see what you see.
In the amazon, would-be shamans diet the plants, and after a certain time period of isolation and a restricted diet, they come into contact with the spirits of the plants who teach them how the plants should be used - often this occurs in dreams but probably occurs in many other ways too. People actually learn things about how to use and combine plants from their dreams, and these dreams are populated by the spirits of the plants being dieted.
I have a picture of a plant (not a pepper) that I took in broad daylight that, when examined after the fact, has what appears to be the daemon of the plant very visible in the background of the picture in shockingly detailed form. I would post it, but it's very real and some people might be bothered by it, and this isn't a spiritual forum, so I don't/won't. It seems daemons are capable of manipulating light in subtle ways to make themselves visible in image form in mediums like pictures.
Also, just for the sake of interest - consider why the term 'daemon' was used to refer to a computer background process that is constantly running: In ancient greek, a daemon (which may be the precursor to the term 'demon') represented "a special being [that] watches over each individual, a daimon who has obtained the person at his birth by lot, is an idea which we find in Plato, undoubtedly from earlier tradition.  ...'character is for man his daimon'". The computer daemon is a model representation of real daemon, not the other way around.
I understand the reactions of many people who think it insane (or plain stupid, or backwards) to believe you can talk to plants, or pepper plants, but I also understand that modern people have been taught modern ideology, and this modern ideology in the West is materialist and postivist, discounting the possible reality of non-physical entities and beings (though this ideology is changing and it is much more acceptable to talk about plant spirits and plant intelligence now than it was even 10 years ago). It is a natural reaction for a person deeply accepting of modern ideology to discount claims that plant spirits exist, because in so doing that individual is protecting the ideology which dominates his/her mind and provides the economic and social foundation on which that person's life has been established. So in discounting (or in some cases mocking) the potential reality of plant spirits, a person is affirming science, materialism, and capitalism - and protecting their own economic, social, and cultural stablilty and foundation.
However - and this is a big 'however' - the fact that a person is capable of defending modern ideology and the modern way of life and protecting their own economic, social, and cultural interests is not the same thing as that person understanding objective truth. Objective truth is (somewhat) beyond ideological forms or mental perceptual filters. By blocking modern mental programming the false consciousness that keeps a person from seeing some portion of objective reality begins to collapse, and this is when the spirits, whether plant or otherwise, begin to appear. The spirits were/are always there - it's just that the mental perceptual filters 'installed' by modern society block the mind's ability to see what is already there.
In general terms, all people who have come into contact with spirits/plant spirits/daemons born and bred in the modern West once believed that spirits were the stuff of fairy tales and 'superstition'. The reality is quite the opposite, and this can come as a deep shock to people in the scientific West - much of modern ideology is the real stuff of fairy tales and supersitition - being based on little more than political expediency and replication from one generation to the next, while spirits can be too real for most people's comfort/peace of mind.
I think people on this forum should consider why it is that they are so enamored/focused upon pepper plants (as am I). Are we keepers of an as-yet unrecognized chili pepper religion? Have we be chosen as the priests of the pepper daemons? We spread the peppers far and wide across the Earth and protect the genetic diversity of the plant. Why? Peppers taste good, but they're not that good, are they? (Well maybe they are that good, but it doesn't discount my odd theory).
"In Mexican Indian tribes, chili peppers played a much more spiritually important role. Many Maya tribes ascribed healing and protective powers to chili peppers..." ...  "they were used in some rituals by the Hopi and Pueblo tribes of the Southwest."
No Demon peppers talking but I have heard some sgt peppers singing
Aaaaahhhhh haha haha haha I'm so funny :)
I enjoy your perspective on this matter PD. I for one, don't discount anything you've said and as a matter of fact, subscribe to similar beliefs. My answer may have seemed like a joke, but that is only because it is MY interpretation (a human) of how they truly feel about plants not as strong as them.
I would be very interested to see that picture in PM. If you care to share it.
Also I have dabbled in some of the chemicals that make up Ayahuasca (DMT) in my youth. Which may be the reason I have a different view than most on this matter.
PepperDaemon said:
It's not proof. It's just evidence. I could never win with a picture.
I'd still like to see it, either here, or as Hogleg suggested via PM.

PepperDaemon said:
This challange has a really bad reputation anyway.
Really, can you please explain why?


I have a picture of a plant (not a pepper) that I took in broad daylight that, when examined after the fact, has what appears to be the daemon of the plant very visible in the background of the picture in shockingly detailed form. I would post it, but it's very real and some people might be bothered by it, and this isn't a spiritual forum, so I don't/won't. It seems daemons are capable of manipulating light in subtle ways to make themselves visible in image form in mediums like pictures.

People that would be offended by pictures of pepper daemons prolly wouldnt be reading a thread with "pepper daemons" in the title. Enough with the excuses already.
Heckle said:
I checked out a book from the library a couple years ago that I thought was about organic farming. It was about plant daemons, fairies and spirits. 
I still read the whole thing.
It was in the non-fiction section.
Lemme guess, Is it called Biodynamic farming?   :party:

hogleg said:
Lemme guess, Is it called Biodynamic farming?   :party:
Nah. No buried cow horns at witching hour during the autumnal equinox. It was just a chick talking about her organic farm and all the plant spirits.
Edited for a better video.