Has anyone grown Judy's Berry Amarillo?

Mine is just starting to set pods (marble size still) at the moment they appear to be upright pods. I would have assumed they were pendant pods, so I'm rather surprised.
Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this one for input.
Most of my Baccatum plants start with upright pods but they will become pendant when they have some more mass to them. This for me was true with Aji Amarillo and Lemon drops.
I'd say wait a while for the pods to gain some more mass, they'll probably begin hanging in a couple of weeks.
hogleg said:
Mine is just starting to set pods (marble size still) at the moment they appear to be upright pods. I would have assumed they were pendant pods, so I'm rather surprised.
Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this one for input.
How did your pods turn out?  Judy's description makes them sound rather tempting.  (And they are in stock!)
Geonerd said:
How did your pods turn out?  Judy's description makes them sound rather tempting.  (And they are in stock!)
They had really cool shape and really tasty too. I would recommend them if you like baccs. definitely worth growing.  I'd say not a 100% stable though of 4 plants 2 grew true one mostly true and one with odd shape bumpy pods but still tasted very similar.
Not my pic, I just swooped it off the interwebs. Most of my pods looked like this, not so much like her pic.