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pod Has anyone seen Scorpion peppers this big?

Last year I bought a pepper plant, labeled as a Trinidad Scorpion, from my local garden center. It did just ok with not a lot of peppers but the peppers looked just like scorpion peppers, in color and size, and were definitely super hot. At the end of the season I brought the plant inside and just left it over the winter with no care. In the spring the plant came back to life and 3 stems were growing. I seperated the stems into 3 different pots and put them outside to grow. All 3 plants are doing very well but the peppers that are growing are giant. I have one pepper, still green, that is almost the size of a baseball. Has anyone else seen scorpion peppers do this?

Looks like some sort of mix up. The plant seems clearly to be an annuum, not a chinense. The pods suggest something like a bell pepper.
Thanks for the reply. I feel like an idiot now. After reading your post I went out and picked one of the peppers to see how hot it was. You are correct, they are bell peppers. I'm still not 100% sure how they grew. I've only ever grown jalapeƱos and scorpion peppers. The only thing I can think of is that the wife was messing around with bell pepper seeds and put them in the pot that previously had the scorpion peppers. Thanks again.