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Has anyone to make their own sex agent?

The Hott Dude

New Registrant
I was thinking, the sex agent on TV is for the warming sensation of the body part when it touches the partner's part. Has anyone this Trojan agent? It is scientific to when the body parts meet the warming is part of the experience. So I was thinking, to make this myself, with some hot peppers, or liquids. The question is, how much to use? And what method please? I don't know how to get the juice need, but I have figured the carrier will be mineral oil, which is accessible from any drug store. Now onto how to spice it please? And not go over limits!!!! :mouthonfire:


Just show her your skills Dude ;)
let her know your ready to smash :lol:

" Here comes the can stepper (murderer). I'm the aluminum gangsta (murderer)
Picked up a few in-a da area (murderer). Still love you so flat (murderer)
Nah, na na na nah, na na na nah, na na nah, na na na nah "

good luck, and more importantly have fun!  :dance:
hogleg said:

No seriously though, You are gonna need some peppermint oil to cool things down if they get too HOTT. It should reverse the burning and cool things down.PPPP
 feels all tingly on the sensitive parts  ;)
kinda nice, if your into that :shh:
i think it needs to be said that I, if not many of us here, hope that you're not serious in trying to use capsacinoids to attempt to replicate a warming sex-lube   :eek:  
be safe, hope you both have fun
there is a SIG line around here somewhere that speakes volumes....
"don't touch me unless you've been wearing gloves!!!"
How many threads have we seen about Fire-cracker Willies when dudes don't properly protect their TenderBits before heading to the loo????  and those comments are from MachoDudes.....
Imagine if your LovelyBetterHalf  got a bit of hot pepper oil on her tender bits.......
------don't go there-------
just don't do it.  Buy the online lotion.....
what they say about better safe than sorry?  It might be your tenderbits that would be sorry!
Oh come on SL, you could totally sell Pure Evil mineral oil in a heart-shaped tin for Valentine's​ Day.