Has anyone tried grafting?

Earlier this year one of my habanero plants has been eaten to the stalk by a tomato worm. Just the stem was left on the plant, so I decided to top a jalapeño plant at an angle and I cut a slit in the habanero plant stalk. I attached them together and I am trying to cleft graft them together. I was wondering if anyone has tried this before and what are the results? Thanks, Jacrispy.
AAhhh yes i remeber those days well the old lady and i used to hit the road looking for a mark. Yeah the old con game or grifting as they used to say i recall a time ..................uuuuummmm Grafting ooooohhhhh hahaha (GULP) please disregard earlier statement.  :)    haha  
I have not done peppers, but have done a lemon lime tree :p.  I do not imagine it being any different what so ever.
It would be great if you could keep a plant going for many years. Otherwise, it wouldn't be worth the effort. I think it would also be tough on typical overwinters due to the cutting back and longer stem die off.
his name is khangstarr on youtube.. great guy... has grafted various ways.. one he topped so he has one growing pods on the bottom and another on top... 
the ones he has done is mulitple pods on one plant... =D
Ive seen where the pepper plant was grafted onto tomato rootstocks.
It would benefit with a nematode resistant rootstock for those that have nematode problems.