Hatari pepper ??

Hi all , I just want to know if hatari pepper are myth or real pepper cause hataribros make a sauce with but i'm pretty shure this pepper are a kind of home made cross (a kind a way to make $ with a mysteri pepper) so if anybody have info about hatari post it here please !!!
LOL thanks pepperfreak what a nice serch ingine :) LOL ...I ever search on google but the only info I have found comme from hataribros ....so for me it's not valable ...anything else ?
and I did find anything on www.chileman.com on the database ( this is a kind of bible to me :) thanks so much for this database)so i realy think this pepper is a myth or homemade bast*rd cross and they only try to make money with
QuebecFire said:
and I did find anything on www.chileman.com on the database ( this is a kind of bible to me :) thanks so much for this database)so i realy think this pepper is a myth or homemade bast*rd cross and they only try to make money with

I agree with you. I think its a gimmick to sell sauce.
Uncle Big, this is the first ingredient listed on your Killer sauce. Could you shed some light please because I was wondering the same thing.

I noticed that Hatari Bros. sauces have a similar taste component...almost like cumin and I was wondering if that was from the "Hatari" ingredient. Either way it goes great with chili
I'm shure this is a home made cross just to had some mysterie to uncle big sauce :).....wow i'm lost in the infinite loop :shocked: LOL
No its real and I have seeds pm me i'll sell you some for $100.....

with some magic beans.... it's spin.... what ever works.... if it was real and it was the hottest they'd have patented it and gone and gotit scorvilled and they'd have pics and all the rest. Big will naturally tell you its real he has a vested interest.

LOL I know there is no info on it on the net but the same thing happen with the naga-7pod-scorpion ect .....but anyway I dont trust in the story of uncle big about this pepper....what a gammick :shoked: