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Have questions for experienced growers

I have questions for all of you that have went through what I am going through now. I had some issues with high temps and underwatering. (at least I believe this is what originally caused the problem.)

Let me fill you in. I potted up two weeks ago. Had an explosion of growth. The temps outside got into the upper 70's low 80's for 3-4 days and we had an issue with temps climbing to possibly over a hundred. (If you have seen my glog then you know my setup) (Inside the loft of a big shed) The combo of this and the explosion of growth dried most the pots out pretty good. In either case the plants wilted and started to scrunch up.

I've since fixed the water and temp issue. I potted up the plants today the roots were pretty well established (as you will see below) By the way, the plants came back from the wilting for the most part. The leaves are still crinkled but perked up. Here's my problem (if it is a problem at all)

1) The roots look good, white to light brown with a lot of fuzz. I put a pick up for all of your opinions'

2) Some of the leaves are darkening. almost like you rubbed a little coal dust on them.

3) The steam of some of my plants are turning purplish black as well as the veins of the leaves are turning brown.

I've taken some pics so you can see what is going on. Hope you guys can shed some light on my situation.

Let me know if there is anything you want to know (specifics) about my grow.








what are you feeding them? id start there and look for whats missing.
to me that looks like light calcium deficiency. when there is not adequate calcium available to the plant, the midrib and margins grow at different rates causing that bumpy or twisted look. calcium is immobile it will begin at the top of the plant on the newest foliage. in a terrible case the base of the leaves will become chlorotic kinda sorta like iron deficient leaves.
It looks like anthocyanin.

Plants can produce it for any of a number of stresses... Too much sun being the most common (get that a lot here in FL) as its a natural sun block. However, there are many common stresses that can cause purpling of the stem, veins, leaves, and even fruit.
Dude, seriously....your plants are FINE. The stems look exactly like they are SUPPOSED to look! The little peach fuzz on them is normal as well. You are always going to have a little bit of leaf curl when you stress your plants like you did. Trust me, I know this because I do that to my plants on a regular basis. Stress makes your pods hotter. You'll get fewer pods, but the ones you get will be hotter than if you didnt stress the plant. The only thing I see wrong is the blackness on the leaves. That is a plants version of sun burn. Doesnt hurt the plant at ALL. That and it DEFINATELY looks like you did good by potting them up!
Some people like to insist that there is something wrong with their plants. Dont over think it man. Your plants are FINE!!!
They look perfectly fine to me.Did they get sunlight or artificial light in the shed loft? Are you sure you see black? Black goes hand in hand with things rotting. I have seen some very dark purpling on mine. I am guessing that is your black. Different varieties show signs of the pigmentation more than others. I have a couple were getting 5 or 6 hours of direct sunlight a day for about a week and a half (we are getting same awesome weather you are) and they lost all the purpling. Put them back under the flouros and halide and POW more purpling. Your plants look good. Is the Alaska fish fert in your pic the only food they are getting? You may want to balance things out alittle and get some mag..sulfur. Chinense will always look somewhat crinkled..especially new growth. Good luck buddy.
Loogs good to me. Some of my chinenses - Habanero Mustard, Jolokia Brown, 7pod douglah, also have purple stems and veins.
Plants look sexy to me. My Bhuts I grew last year had lotsa purpleish stems and leaves. And the plants that had the gnarly looking growth gave me killer pods.

From my iphone
I know the stress wasn't intentional and it's true that stressing the plants will make the pods hotter. Just wait until there are pods on the plant to stress before doing it intentionally. The only thing stressing young plants like that does is slow down the growth.

They look pretty good too.
Thank you every one. I know I wasnt ready for the explosion of growth and at the same time the weather spike screwed me too. They got over heated under watered and starved of nutrients lol. Man I'm a bad parent bahahahaha. They did get pretty bad. The pics are of when they got better. Some of the leaves on a few were wilty and rubbery. My buddy accidently pulled them off. Which is no biggie, I think those leaves were gonners anyway. The veins look brown not purple. Just the tepin's stem was purpling. The dark leaves could be purple apon looking again I think they got that way from lights and lack of water.

I potted them from cells to solo cups and watered once. Then the next watering I gave them 1/8 dilution Fish ferts..then they exploded. Six days they needed water again. So I watered plain water (right after this is when the heat hit) more growth and two days later with the heat they needed watering (most were really dry and wilty.) So again 1/8th fish ferts. (At this time theyve been potted up for 14 days and are around 5 in tall and 3in diameter.

We potted up last night into 6.5 diameter/8in tall. Ive started foliar feeding with biofoliar and Ive got some grow and micro from Xnutrients to start at next watering. I think they needed cal/mag too. So Im hoping to report some really good news in the coming days.

Thank you again everyone. With so many plants for the first time and not having all of the variables under contol, it can be a hair pulling experience. Especially when you see them all goin' down at once. The reassurance from every one is nice. I figured they would come back from it. I still wanted to toss it out there for you guys to see if there was anything that I didnt see. Hope everyone elses grows are going well!