Have you tried Jigsaw peppers?

GA Growhead said:
One of mine last year tasted of tart cherries. It was delicious. Heat wise, not a record breaker.
Growing out seeds from the cherry flavored one, but no pod yet.
If you get something that grows out like that, I'd love to try one of those some day. One that tastes like that would be awesome. I'm looking forward to trying the MA Wartryx, they say it is talk got, but it has a great taste. But look at me, I'm ready to swear off Jigsaws, but that one plant that one person gets, that makes great pods, changes everything. That's the kind of plant you need to make cuttings from, just in case you can't get a seed grown plant to do the same thing. Tom
cycadjungle said:
If you get something that grows out like that, I'd love to try one of those some day. One that tastes like that would be awesome. I'm looking forward to trying the MA Wartryx, they say it is talk got, but it has a great taste. But look at me, I'm ready to swear off Jigsaws, but that one plant that one person gets, that makes great pods, changes everything. That's the kind of plant you need to make cuttings from, just in case you can't get a seed grown plant to do the same thing. Tom
Will let you know. I had three plants last year, each different. I did try to over winter that one, but neglected the overwinters and she didn't make it.
It did make the better pod shapes of the three also.
Mine from last year. This years plant isn't ready yet.
JeffH, there is the thing.  Last year I would have agreed that reaper is hotter.  This year, that one pod, it must have been a fluke because oh damn.
cycadjungle said:
I got my seeds from Europe when they first became available for US shipping. Since they were supposed to beat the record, or be close, I always compare peppers to others. The heat was close, but not as hot as red brain strains. Brains have a more long lasting burn where the jigsaws backed off a few minutes earlier. They were about equal to the red lava that Judy had sent me to try. Taste was nothing impressive, but not bad. It's hard to explain, but to me the 7 pot Jonah had a nice red 7 pot taste, but was very bland, just nothing special. Red brain strains have a special taste. Anyway, Jigsaws tasted very plain for me. In the same way, to me, reapers are somewhat plain tasting, where Primos have a really nice special taste, and mine taste about 10% hotter than the reapers. I still have a few jigsaw plants sitting around. It's funny, Fatalii sold seeds with the stipulation that nothing could be sold that came from those seeds, but seeds and plants were really made available for sale months afterwards. That is why I never sold my plants. Anyone who comes out to buy other plants can have one for a present though.
This is a really good example of how tastes vary so greatly. I remember you handing me one of these in your greenhouse and eating almost half of the lower portion. I personally thought it was very delicious, although you did not care much for its flavor. It seemed to have almost a kiwi like flavor to it. Heat on it was not that impressive. It made me sweat a little and flush, but as you mentioned it was not very long lasting. I consider it to be one of the best tasting superhots and one of the most unique. Too many peppers taste the same, and this one stood out as different.
Not purple, but if you look at the photos people have posted I think it is obvious that the pepper is not yet stable.  In some, you can really see the moruga lineage.  In others, not at all.  I have one that is throwing moruga looking pods.  I'd call it a throw back but kind of interested in knowing if the seeds will grow like mama.  Going to pull it and move it somewhere else, save seed from last flowering and see if they grow like mama or like the other jigsaw plants.
How much variation is there with the Jigsaw? I have a nice fairly large one, but its pods look like the pumpkin 7 pots. Mine is not as elongated as others I have seen. Very bumpy and mean looking though. Its very prolific so far, just waiting now for them to ripen.
AaronTT said:
How much variation is there with the Jigsaw? I have a nice fairly large one, but its pods look like the pumpkin 7 pots. Mine is not as elongated as others I have seen. Very bumpy and mean looking though. Its very prolific so far, just waiting now for them to ripen.
I have not had a ton of variation, but see other folks photos which are very different from one picture to the next.  My guess is that being fairly new, various folk have gotten seed before it was grown out and released.  Maybe via the powders they sold previously or pod reviews. So maybe what comes from Fatalii is more stable than what comes from other places?

I ordered some from Fatalii for next year.  The one I tried was very nice.  I really enjoyed the flavour and the heat was on the high end of tolerable but I only tried a small sliver.  I think soil would play a big part in changing the flavour profile.  Different minerals and such can have an impact on taste, maybe heat as well.  
The_DoGMaN said:
I ordered some from Fatalii for next year.  The one I tried was very nice.  I really enjoyed the flavour and the heat was on the high end of tolerable but I only tried a small sliver.  I think soil would play a big part in changing the flavour profile.  Different minerals and such can have an impact on taste, maybe heat as well.  
The chocolate fatalii is my favorite pepper over 100k on the scoville. If I had to grow only 1 pepper over 100k this would be the one.
The_DoGMaN said:
I ordered some from Fatalii for next year.  The one I tried was very nice.  I really enjoyed the flavour and the heat was on the high end of tolerable but I only tried a small sliver.  I think soil would play a big part in changing the flavour profile.  Different minerals and such can have an impact on taste, maybe heat as well.  
This is very true. I add glacier rock dust to my soil, and I noticed a increase in flavor, and smell that was very noticeable. Not bragging, but I have yet to taste a better pod. I used to think the yellow 7 pot was not all that good, but after adding this and other sources of minerals, I decided to try a pod. The difference was night and day, and the smell was a lot more prounounced. Highly mineralized soil equals great tasting pods. Same thing with other veggies, such as tomatoes. I gave one to my wife for the first time, and its by far the best tasting tomato she ever had.
ajdrew said:
I have not had a ton of variation, but see other folks photos which are very different from one picture to the next.  My guess is that being fairly new, various folk have gotten seed before it was grown out and released.  Maybe via the powders they sold previously or pod reviews. So maybe what comes from Fatalii is more stable than what comes from other places?

Aj, I received a starter plant from a grower on facebook known for giving great plants true to seed.He received his seeds from Fatalii as well. He told me he noticed 3 distinct phenos. He showed me some pics and one of them looks similar to mine. This was yesterday. I hope mine is as nice as the ones I tried in the past. I have added azomite to that one, which is similar in mineral composition to other forms of rock dust, and its grown like a champ. Only issue I had was them stinkin caterpillars eating holes in them. I think I killed them all though. I have heard of different flavor profiles as well with the Jigsaw. 