Well, After learning lots and studying forums a little I recently 7 days ago started my first wave. Next wave will be around january, and then I will overwinter first wave.
First wave consists of
Reapers (Pepperjoe)
TSMB (pepperjoe)
orange 7 pod (pepperlover)
7 pod primo(pepperlover)
Red Bhuts (pepperlover)
ALSO had a orange grocery store hab seeds.!
All the seeds were started in red solo cups with a 1/3 ratio of Premium Potting soil, Coir, and sand/verm. Along with some worm castings.
Seeds were Germinated in a warm solution all in separated containers to avoid mixing up. Then they were put directly around <1cm into loose moist soil, light spray on top and covered. Cups are sitting in a clear pot tray which is on the heat pad. Light was off until signs of first sprout then on for 16/8. Lights are 4xt5 HO lights in a setup in my closet. Fan running 8 hours a day in 2 four hour blocks.
I will continue to update with pictures as they evolve. Here is a few for now, as well as my question.
Here is the setup I currently have. I might grab a slightly better fan but its what I had. plastic is off of the non germ for now to prevent cooking and just to show. Can raise it up and down as needed when growth starts.
Sprouts came around day 5. This picture is day seven. Watering will occur when needed and Through bottom if possible.
NOW for my question.....!!!!!!!
This sprout on right was the first to pop two days ago. The seeds came from "7 pod primo" from pepperlover (great source btw). To me this doesnt look anything like the other sprouts I have at all. Also, all soil came from a NEW bag . Everything was brand new before potting. Any ideas what this is? Did I get a bad bag of seeds?
Thanks for reading/following and please voice any suggestions.!
First wave consists of
Reapers (Pepperjoe)
TSMB (pepperjoe)
orange 7 pod (pepperlover)
7 pod primo(pepperlover)
Red Bhuts (pepperlover)
ALSO had a orange grocery store hab seeds.!
All the seeds were started in red solo cups with a 1/3 ratio of Premium Potting soil, Coir, and sand/verm. Along with some worm castings.
Seeds were Germinated in a warm solution all in separated containers to avoid mixing up. Then they were put directly around <1cm into loose moist soil, light spray on top and covered. Cups are sitting in a clear pot tray which is on the heat pad. Light was off until signs of first sprout then on for 16/8. Lights are 4xt5 HO lights in a setup in my closet. Fan running 8 hours a day in 2 four hour blocks.
I will continue to update with pictures as they evolve. Here is a few for now, as well as my question.

Here is the setup I currently have. I might grab a slightly better fan but its what I had. plastic is off of the non germ for now to prevent cooking and just to show. Can raise it up and down as needed when growth starts.

Sprouts came around day 5. This picture is day seven. Watering will occur when needed and Through bottom if possible.
NOW for my question.....!!!!!!!

This sprout on right was the first to pop two days ago. The seeds came from "7 pod primo" from pepperlover (great source btw). To me this doesnt look anything like the other sprouts I have at all. Also, all soil came from a NEW bag . Everything was brand new before potting. Any ideas what this is? Did I get a bad bag of seeds?
Thanks for reading/following and please voice any suggestions.!