heat wave moving in. what to do?

the forcast is for 90+ degrees for a week or more with 98 degrees this sunday. all my plants are it containers ranging from 1-5 gallon and can be moved if necessary.  this is my second year growing peppers and last year`s temps didn`t get so high. i don`t have shade cloth but i can easily move most of the plants into a more shady area of the yard. would you move them or let them tough it out? the plants have a lot of pods and flowers and i would like to avoid loosing the flowers to the heat. 
lol i know texas is hotter than here. so your plants take full sun in that heat? no shade cloth? are they in containers or in the ground? last year on the hottest days i watered twice a day and the plants did good. i never moved them to shade but i don`t think we got 98 degree temps.
edit to add..... do you have flower drop from the heat?
We are hitting those temperatures regularly now.  Plants dont seem to mind at all.  Most of our seed stock is container grown so I can isolate easily.  The black nursery containers seem to dry out faster with this heat and sun, but as long as they are watched and watered even they do fine under about 100 degrees.  Sunburned pods is an issue, but that doesnt cause much of a problem.
luvmesump3pp3rz said:
lol i know texas is hotter than here. so your plants take full sun in that heat? no shade cloth? are they in containers or in the ground? last year on the hottest days i watered twice a day and the plants did good. i never moved them to shade but i don`t think we got 98 degree temps.
edit to add..... do you have flower drop from the heat?

Mostly in containers kept on the back porch that is covered so they get mostly indirect sun - and pretty much need to be watered once a day - If in the Sun they need a couple mistings to keep them from suffering.
Jalapenos and Bishops crowns keep producing but the Chinenses definitely drop most of the flowers - have to bring them in for a week or so to get any flowers to actually grow and pollinate during the summer otherwise they drop flowers until late Sept and some cooler weather.
i moved the ones in the smaller pots into a spot that will have shade from around 11 in the morning till late afternoon. the ones in 5 gallon buckets i left in their usual spot which gets direct sun from sun up till around 3 pm.  