seed-plant-vendors Hellhotpeppers. Com

I have to put out a good word for I made an order friday and I just received it That's less than 4 business days so I am guessing they shipped the same day I ordered. This is the second time I have dealt with them and I have to say it has been a good experience both times. Product has been received in good order and I have gotten what I oredered both times. It also includes an instructions sheet. Which I'll make sure to follow since I killed my first pepper plants. Kudos to them guys at hell hot peppers!
I`ve bought seeds through them on ebay and they have the best customer service. Got excellent germination rates and obviously wont know about the varieties until they put out pods, but my experiences with them have been excellent.
Nigel, I agree. They shipped so fast and like you said, we won't know about the varieties till they put out pods. But with the kind of customer service they have offered they must be pretty positive bout their stuff. I do have someTrinidad Moruga Scorpion plants that I germinated from their seeds. Even though I have treated them really bad by over watering they are still surviving so...maybe we can update sooner with those plants if they survive my ignorance!
Ordered some Aji Limon from their Fleabay store this Spring.
I can report good germination rates, and healthy plants of the proper variety.
(The pods are just ripening and they are quite tasty!)

I ordered seeds from Hell Hot Peppers (through their ebay store) for the 2014 and 2015 season.  Had good results, very happy for the most part.  Below are some details:
Carolina Reaper - Good germination rate, very healthy plants, great production.  Had one plant that ended up producing something that looked like a red Fatali, but was very hot and tasty.  Was able to dry seeds and use those in 2015 with great germination and results.  
Odham Indian - Good germination rate, plants were not as robust as I would have liked (like small shrubs), but good producers. I still have seeds from 2014, used them in 2015 with great germination.  Will use them again this year.
Datil - Good germination rate, very healthy great production.  
Yellow Moruga Scropion - Ditto above
Fatail - This is the only bad seeds I got, very poor germination rate.  Have some seeds left over, will try them again this year.  
My first grow was all seeds from their ebay store. I had pretty good luck, but a few plants were pretty obviously crossed unintentionally. They were't completely the wrong thing, but definitely not exactly what they were supposed to be. Other than a few off plants, it was all pretty good