Hello again from the dark places losing all ones peppers can bring a man

queequeg152 said:
im confused. what happened?
eat hash and listen to this:
Oh Damn, try eating a Moruga and listening to this - Loudly - right around 1:40 in, you will hear the same soundtrack that was in my head when I tried that :mouthonfire:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
No offense Queequeeg152
There I go hijacking a thread again, sorry guys. :welcome: inpending_bending. Sounds like you were gone and now back again. :woohoo:
Hawaiianero said:
Oh Damn, try eating a Moruga and listening to this - Loudly - right around 1:40 in, you will hear the same soundtrack that was in my head when I tried that :mouthonfire:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
No offense Queequeeg152
you really need two things; head phones, so as to stab the music into your brain, and a heavyset broad on your lap, tonguing your ear lobes.
