Hello Everyone


I am Dan, I always have enjoyed a bit of kick on my foods and recently started growing my own peppers. I have yet to harvest any but I'm on my way to getting some in the next few months. I currently have Buht Jolokias, Trinidad Moruga Scorpions some of the local peppers (it's a small pepper red in color when ripe that's really hot gotta look for the name here they are called Ajis Bravo which literally translates to hot pepper) and Fresno Peppers. I have prepared some really basic hot suaces with some Orange Habaneros and Fresno Peppers and Jalapeños which I like a lot. I live on Puerto Rico which hopefully will make growing my peppers a little easier since it's almost summer year round. On thing I am trying to do is grow most of my ingredients for my pepper harvest. As I also have Cilantro, tomatoes, onions and some spices growing too. Something I am looking to experimeting with is making a sweet hot sauce made with the guaba fruit which is grown locally. So guys I hope to get to talk to you all soon while here. Have a good one!

:welcome: from sunny South Florida! :woohoo:
¡Hola! and welcome from south FL