Hello Family!

First off, thank you in advance for allowing me to join the family. I look forward to learning and sharing knowledge with this community. My name is Chad Cleary, I live in Dublin CA, but I am originally from Tempe, AZ. I was in the Navy from 2010-2014 and continue my service with NASA. I love hot sauce, peppers, and quite honestly condiments in general. I often don't find myself eating food without some condiment or another. I'm also a new business owner having started a hot sauce business earlier this year, Omnipotent Hot Sauce LLC. I have no products as of yet, but I have been playing with flavors for the past year. I hope to fine tune my knowledge as time passes so that I may provide an exceptional sauce to the ever-growing great sauce collection already available on the market. I look forward to collaborating, sharing knowledge, learning, and having a good time talking with Ya'll about everything pepper and hot sauce related!
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