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Hello, First post and question.

Hello all, Love the forum. New to the growing scene a little. Big tomatoe fan but now want to get some heat going. For next growing season can I use seeds I have now. Like, will they still be good if kept high and dry? I got bad seeds on amazon this season and was upset. 5$ scorpion seeds turned to 5$ jalepenos i believe!. I ordered seeds not really thinking if they will last till next spring when I start indoors. 
Gotta be careful on Amazon and some of the other sites. You get what you paid for but not always what you wanted.
Check out the vendor section of the site. Lots of really good sources for seeds.
As long as you keep the seed stored properly, "high and dry", you'll be fine.
Thanks for the responses and welcome!. I will try out pepper joe for my next years crop most likely. I do have 4 cayenne plants that are thriving so all is not a complete loss :) 
Hello! I would only get seeds from here or friends.
Welcome to THP.                                                                                            From St. Aug.
Welcome! Like others said they should be fine if kept dry! There are tons of great people here and the site is loaded with info! You're in the right place!
Welcome to the forum!  I am new too!
I am on a quest to find and resurrect some of my deceased grandfather's seeds....he passed away over 15 years ago.  I helped him in the garden when I was little....so I thought it would be nice for "me and him" to plant a garden again next spring!  :)
I've been told that my seeds have a small chance......so, yours should be fine!
jkernea said:
Welcome to the forum!  I am new too!
I am on a quest to find and resurrect some of my deceased grandfather's seeds....he passed away over 15 years ago.  I helped him in the garden when I was little....so I thought it would be nice for "me and him" to plant a garden again next spring!  :)
I've been told that my seeds have a small chance......so, yours should be fine!
What are you waiting for! Go ahead and plant a few!
Thanks again all, I took my first bite of one of my fresh grown hot red long Cayennes that seem to be flourishing. have a few diff plants flowering up so im excited. One is a jalepeno im pretty sure. All my scorpions turned into ceyennes haha.. o well Least i have some heat and lessons learned for next year,
:welcome: from jersey. You'll find plenty of info on here to help you with your grow. I read somewhere to soak them in water and hydrogen peroxide. I forget the ratio but it worked for some old ones I had.