Hello from America's oldest city

Hello, my name is Ed and Im from the beautiful city of St Augustine, Florida! I have left a Wall Street position after 30 years and have gone back to agriculture school here. Thats where I have discovered the magic of the pepper. A lovely and strange cultivar indeed. My attention has focused on the Trinidad Scorpian Pepper which currently boasts of being one the world's hottest peppers with a Scoville heat rating up towards 2 million. I am growing @ 300 plants on my property and amazed at the growth . I started from seed back in February in my greenhouse. Transplanted outdoors after that late frost we had in the first week of April. My plants are now about three foot tall and very bushy--full blooms! I have a buyer for my entire crop from a local hot sauce manufacturer. Hoping to yield at least 600 pnds from my plants over the long summer down here. I have seen prices for the Trinidad Maruga Scorpian all over the map from $14/lb to $100/lb. Check out my plant pictures at staugiehotpeppers.com and let me know what you think! Hope to learn alot from my fellow pepperinos!
Do you mean St. Augustine or Datil-Ville Florida, hehehe ... ¡Hola! and welcome from south FL [SIZE=8pt]
thanks for all the good wishes-----my whole family did the pepper ritual dance as my first scorpian papper buds have now turned into peppers ---hoooorayyyyyyyy!  anyone know how long it takes to ripen from this first stage of scorpian infanacy???