Hello from Arlington, VA

Hi all,
I just joined. I grow a fair number of veggies each year, but this year went a bit overboard on peppers.  I like hot, but not super hot, plus anything I can put on the grill.
This year I'm growing:
Jimmy Nardello
Pepperone De Senise
Chervera Chuschka
Beaver Dam (disappointing low production from 2 plants)
Joe E. Parker
Yellow Tabasco
Sweet Scotch Bonnet
Tobago Seasoning
Scarlet Lantern
PI 281317
Asi Sivri (a favorite)
Trinidad Cherry (yellow strain)
Jalapeno Gigante
Santa Fe Grande
Purple Serrano (not very hot for some reason)
Aji Colorado
Aji Mango
I look forward to learning from all of you and maybe trading some seeds next season.
Hello and welcome.  I'm new also.  
I see from your grow list that you are growing, among other's,  Shishito's and Aji Mango's.  I also have those growing.  I have been getting a lot of Shishito's and the wife and I have been enjoying them blistered with a little salt.  Our Aji Mango's have fruit but they haven't ripened yet.  I've never had those so I am looking forward to it.
Welcome again!
Tybo said:
Hello and welcome.  I'm new also.  
I see from your grow list that you are growing, among other's,  Shishito's and Aji Mango's.  I also have those growing.  I have been getting a lot of Shishito's and the wife and I have been enjoying them blistered with a little salt.  Our Aji Mango's have fruit but they haven't ripened yet.  I've never had those so I am looking forward to it.
Welcome again!
My shishitos were actually the last things I planted and they are way behind, but I'm hoping they start producing soon.  My neighbor had a few runty seedlings left over about a month ago and I put them in then, but they started tiny.  I have 2 of them and looking forward to eating them the same way you describe. I started a couple padrons really late after thinking about the Shishitos but they seem to have expired from the heat when I was away.  I was curious to see how they compared... oh well, next year.
My Aji Mango is getting quite big and has a good number of pods, but nothing ripe yet here either.  I did eat a green one the other day just to see what they were like green and it was already nice and sweet.  I'm really looking forward to this one, possibly mixing some with my yellow Trinidad Cherries to make an all yellow sauce.  Heat when green was fairly mild so it will be interesting to see how that goes when ripe.  My Aji Colorado are fairly hot to me, about as hot or even hotter than my Asi Sivri peppers which are a cayene type.
Where in VA are you?