Hello from Austria

Hi @ All
I'm Andy and I come from Carinthia in Austria.
Chilis are my passion ....
Hoping for a good time here lg
servus und guten Tag

was macht das wetter in kaernten? :lol:

sorry mates, but this friend is austrian so i have to speak austrish :rofl:

freut mich dass du hergefunden hast
LG aus Wien
Well Met----I hope you have a good indoor hot house to grow these little guys. I had to make a couple germination and grow rooms in my place so I can grow the peppers. I am in Central US Wisconsin and 90 day peppers are about all we can grow. I assume you are about the same in Austria for growing days.
Yes you're right! We must begin by December / January.
Summer is too short for us.
1) Cultivation in December / January
2) February, March, April window seat
3) May, June, July, August outdoor (August / September harvest)
Then you go off all over again

currently looks like this :cool:
Grow Aquarium