Hello from Greendale, WI

I happened upon this site. I am a pepper virgin. The hottest pepper I have ever eaten is a habenero pepper and it wasn't straight up. I really look forward to being educated through the knowledgeable growers on this site.

A little about me: I am a 38 year old man with a wife and 2 kids. I have a high stress job as a Newscast Director in a relatively medium to large market (32 Milwaukee) I need a relaxing hobby to bring me down after hours of directing live TV. I have found peppers (so far) to be that catalyst to relaxing.

OK, let the education begin!!
Welcome to THP! I live in Kenosha just down the road from ya and work in Milwaukee too. I have tons of fresh peppers still and seeds. If you want some stuff let me know, I'll hook you up with some stuff!
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:
Welcome to THP I am up in Door Co Wisconsin so if ever up in the frozen tundra hollar there are plenty of chile heads up this way.