Hello from Holland!

Hi follow capsaicin junks!

I'll introduce myself: my name is Pieter and I'm from the south of The Netherlands, near the city of Breda.

I'm 26 years old and I cultivate for two years chillies in my small lean-to-greenhouse. I work as horticultural researcher so my hobby profits from my profession ;-)

I have build an arduino based irrigation system for my plants to irrigate my plants automatically when I'm on holiday. For the ones which are interested on this topic, have a look at:

You'll hear from me again!
Love the Arduino irrigation system. I may have to have a go at that for my soil plants.

Nice. If you have some questions please contact me!

Probably a stupid question but as I haven't used an Arduino system beforehand I'm going to ask it anyway! I take it you assemble all the parts, then somehow you need to upload the program you have written to the board. How do you do this and what program do you use on your computer? I have an iMac so assume it's probably just a USB lead connection.


:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:

Probably a stupid question but as I haven't used an Arduino system beforehand I'm going to ask it anyway! I take it you assemble all the parts, then somehow you need to upload the program you have written to the board. How do you do this and what program do you use on your computer? I have an iMac so assume it's probably just a USB lead connection.



Hi David, sorry for my late response!
The Arduino is connected by USB cable to the computer, through a connection by "the com ports". When this is settled, the free open source Arduino IDE can be downloaded and installed on the computer. I'm working on a Windows pc, but mac probably also works fine.

Here a tutorial for mac, but this is probably somehow outdated:

Please contact me via the forum or personal message if it is still unclear!