Hello from Houston.......just joined the group and look forward to getting to know some fellow chileheads.......my partner Matt and I own a hot sauce shop just north of Houston and had an interesting situation come up yesterday that perhaps someone can advise us on......a lady called the shop the other day and said she was clearing out some items in her home and wanted to know if we had any use for her late husband's hot sauce collection. We suggested she bring them by the shop so yesterday she showed up with 2 boxes of about 90 bottles of hot sauce.....apparently her husband passed away about 10 years ago so we're talking about well aged hot sauce!.....in any event, we said we'd try to come up with some ideas on what to do with the collection.....about 30 of the 90 bottles are hot sauces still in production that we carry in the shop.....the rest are sauces I may have seen at one time but had lost track of...........as I said, these are well aged and in my opinion not fit for consumption.......about 7 - 10 are old labelled sauces from Dave's, Melinda's, etc........I don't have room in the shop for the collection, the lady doesn't want them back...........does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks and hope to get to know some of you.....Jay