Hello from Italy

Hi All, I'm Daniele, a pepper grower from the province of L'Aquila (AQ) in Italy.
I eat hot peppers from many years but by 3 or 4 years I grow more varieties than the common Cayenne (C.annuum) very common in my area.
I am a member of the Italian forum Pepperfriends.com since 2 years and there I document my crops.
I love Indian's SuperHot and in the future I would like to cultivate the Shabu Shabu (C.chinense).
Have a nice day,
Hi and  big welcome to the forum here, right now things are a bit slow, but as our weather begins to warm up some so will this forum.
 We have members from all over the world, so you will feel right at home. There are members who have or will be growing the Shabu Shabu also you might check with Judy at pepperlover.com she is a great vendor with many very good varieties.
I'm also a member of pepper friends although I have not posted much as I usually hang out here.
So have a good time, we like seeing lots of pepper photo's and others and have tons of posts that cover a great many things.
Thanks to all for the welcome :)
wildseed57 said:
There are members who have or will be growing the Shabu Shabu also you might check with Judy at pepperlover.com she is a great vendor with many very good varieties.
Thanks George, I've already bought some seeds from Judy of Pepperlovers.com and is not for sale and in the future I'll try a seller as reliable for this rare variety.
wildseed57 said:
I'm also a member of pepper friends although I have not posted much as I usually hang out here.
So have a good time, we like seeing lots of pepper photo's and others and have tons of posts that cover a great many things.
I'm very happy, a few times like these days the attention of many chileheads from around the world are focused on the trip just made by the president of the association (Claudio) and another member (Leonardo) in Bolivia looking for wild peppers!

I hope the language is not a limit and to participate actively in this forum.
Basically the only thing that matters is to appreciate and share our common passion for the Capsicum Genus!