Hello from Japan!

Sorry I hadn't posted this before asking my question.

I've been lurking in this forum for the past couple of months and you've all answered so many of my questions so I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. It's not common to find any super hot pods here and I am an addict. So I've decided to take it upon my own shoulders and grow my own. Jalapeños even are around 300¥(3$?) for two pods. With my consumption I'll go broke at that rate! I have grown many things in the past but these are a first. Please feel free to Message me or comment with any advice!

Welcome from CT
Jalapeno for 150¥ isn't really that bad. About a dollar fifty, superhot pods average 2-5$ a piece. If you grow well, you'll end up with a ton of them, so sell the spares. While not good way to make money, peppers usually give back their worth if not more, at least for me.
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:
Thanks for the response! I'm quite confident I can do well with the growing, it's more of the lack of space and interest people have here...
150¥ is a little price for a pod under 2" I'd say compared to anywhere I've ever purchased back home. Especially when I'm making bacon wrapped popper for a barbecue. Also a lot of the super hots are not legal for sale here for some stupid reason. The two Butch-T plants am currently growing were purchased from a farm who insisted I knew that they are "for decorative use only"...I don't really plan on selling any of the pods I do end up with but I am looking foreword to gifting them to anyone who wants!
elcap1999 said:
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:
Thank you my friend!
elcap1999 said:
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:
Thank you my friend!
elcap1999 said:
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:
Thank you my friend!
rghm1u20 said:
Hello from Romania!
A bit sadistic situation, to grow a (super)hot pepper "for decorative use only"...
Hey, personal use should fall under that category haha. I love the pain what can I say haha
Thank you for the response
Can't compare the heat pain with the pain of growing and just watching it when ripen :-)  (excepting maybe if you are a poetic person, having pleasure in contemplating that ripen pod... but this could also lead to pain... neck pain! :rolleyes:  ).
rghm1u20 said:
Can't compare the heat pain with the pain of growing and just watching it when ripen :-)  (excepting maybe if you are a poetic person, having pleasure in contemplating that ripen pod... but this could also lead to pain... neck pain! :rolleyes:  ).
MOTHER OF GOD it's hard enough leaving them in the house! My kid is 3 and he loves scissors....my Goya found that out. Fortunately it's still alive as he cut it above the first node, don't know if I should euthanize it or keep it as it's taking up so much room....
These are my babies though, lock and key. There is no way into that room without me haha
I'm already in pain, think I'll sleep next to them tonight haha
I'm already in pain, think I'll sleep next to them tonight haha
RAINCITY2060 said:
Thanks for the response! I'm quite confident I can do well with the growing, it's more of the lack of space and interest people have here...
150¥ is a little price for a pod under 2" I'd say compared to anywhere I've ever purchased back home. Especially when I'm making bacon wrapped popper for a barbecue. Also a lot of the super hots are not legal for sale here for some stupid reason. The two Butch-T plants am currently growing were purchased from a farm who insisted I knew that they are "for decorative use only"...I don't really plan on selling any of the pods I do end up with but I am looking foreword to gifting them to anyone who wants!

Oh, small pods. Nevermind. I thought you where talking about larger jalapeno, like 3-4 inch ones that you see around once in a while. Like this. http://www.pepperseeds.eu/media/catalog/product/cache/2/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/c/h/chili_seeds_jalap_gia.jpg
How are peppers not legal for sale? They aren't dangerous, just annoying.
cruzzfish said:
Oh, small pods. Nevermind. I thought you where talking about larger jalapeno, like 3-4 inch ones that you see around once in a while. Like this. http://www.pepperseeds.eu/media/catalog/product/cache/2/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/c/h/chili_seeds_jalap_gia.jpg
How are peppers not legal for sale? They aren't dangerous, just annoying.
Yeah! I wish we had the large pods here...there's only 2-3 shops in Tokyo that even sell the small pods! Oh about the legality thing, it's mostly for super hots. The Butch-T is probably stronger than anything around considering even pepper spray is extremely rare if not illegal....if this works out I swear to god I will YouTube myself eating every pod off of the plant(not on the same day of course)
:welcome:  from Central Florida
I wish you well in growing, and look forward to seeing some pics of plants that have loads of peppers!
Welcome from Louisiana!
You could always import seeds discreetly from a trusted source or friend. Growing the plants would be easy if you send the seeds in a coffee can or bag of beens via fedex or something along those lines. That's how a lot of people get illegal seeds across borders.