Hello from Johannesburg, South Africa

Name is Steve from sunny Johannesburg, South Africa

Growing allsorts for a few years now especially peppadews but going hot peppers this year

Bought in the following seeds to try out

Santa fe grande
Chocolate Habs
White Habs
Golden Cayenne
Chile d arbol
Peruvian Purple Chile
Paprika Alma
Purple Cayenne
Pablano Ancho
Bhut Jolokia
Purple Tiger
Naga Morich
Rocota Red
Scotch Bonnet
Red Habanero Savannah
Pasillo Bajio
Serrano Tampiqueno
Czech black pepper
Big jims

Some of them i have never had the pleasure of tasting and super stoked

Awesome site

Hey :welcome: from Central California. Looking forward to some pics from SA and like Buddy and Nicole said nice rounded list

Welcome from Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

Great list. You mentioned growing peppadew, I'm trying it for the first time this year. How is it?

Our climate is tip top for most plants and one in particular the peppadew and other peppers which i have been growing for the past few seasons

Peppadew is an interesting little fruit and often sold pickled - awesome on pizzas, salads etc for a little extra zing - not hot all mind - sorta mix between a pepper and cherry tomato as it mainly described

Our Bell peppers have done extremely well this year and have had fruit for over 3 seasons from the 5/6 plants we have - have not done peppadews this year as i am doing the hot peppers this year - Just got my seeds in today in fact

Pictured is this years crop - extremely happy so far...


Welcome warpseed! Thats quite an exotic list of chiles youve got there. I geuss in africa you can grow whatever you want, the climate is probably more than ideal for chilis.
Welcome warpseed! Thats quite an exotic list of chiles youve got there. I geuss in africa you can grow whatever you want, the climate is probably more than ideal for chilis.

Thanks man

As i mentioned i got my seeds today - so let the mayhem begin



Lets hope the seller was accurate
Thanks man

As i mentioned i got my seeds today - so let the mayhem begin



Lets hope the seller was accurate

Very nice dude! Ive never even heard of a few of those varieties thats sick man. I love growing exotics and anything with purple in its name really catches my attention.