Hello From Kent, WA

let's see how good your WA geography is. We live in Carlton. :)

Without using the i-net, any clue where that is?

Next clue would be Twisp.
Welcome to THP megahot. I think by geographic rules, you are officially our newest member of the NW Pack!
Ever heard of Winthrop? Methow Valley? 1.5 hrs. north of Wenatchee.... :cheers:
Throw Down this weekend, check it out! whoot!
what ^^^ Scoville DeVille said, the Methow Valley, Winthrop, where Highway 20 goes across the North Cross. Winthrop is that funky Western-themed town.

Have Fun on THP
hiya. sounds like Northwesterners are a pretty rowdy group.[not like us in southern Cal. heh.]

OH Yeah! The Northwest pack has some fun! :cool:
[sub]Another Pacific Noorthwesterner checking in and saying HI! I grew up on the west hill of kent, right accross I5 from the Midway landfill.....[/sub]