Hello from Michigan

Hi from Wes in Michigan. After lurking for a while, I've finally joined this site. I've been trying to grow chiles in the Detroit suburbs for several years, without much luck. Am hoping to pick up knowledge here to change that for the better. To me, chiles without many zeroes in the Scoville rating are just the ticket. Eventually I'll work my way up into raging endorphin territory.
Some very modest successes so far: Aji types graciously sent by Smokemaster a few years back, will try to grow out more this summer. Grew Chimayo Chile, or at least that's what the supplier claimed, and loved both the brick-red color and unusual, earthy taste. In just a couple of weeks (Zone 6A) it will be time to start this year's crop under the lights.
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida! :woohoo: