Hello from Michigan!

Hello! Stephanie here!
I hail from a little south of Lansing, Michigan. Kimchi and my addiction to wings is roughly how I found you guys. I've been making kimchi for awhile and up until the point I started down that road, I had only ever made beer and mead.
A few weeks ago I got a mass of orange habaneros for jam and started poking around on the web, looking for other stuff to use them in. I discovered fermenting hot sauce is a thing. Thus, I am here. I love spicy, so long as it has flavor. A lot of the 'ass-kicking' type store sauces are hot, but yeah...the flavor seems to be lacking so my sauce collection is small and simple. I lean towards asian flavors and prefer a good balance of hot and sweet.
When I'm not doing food stuff, I make my living as an artist blacksmith and try to fatten up my daughter and fiance.
As I dig deeper into the forums, I am a tad overwhelmed. So much information.
It's like a whole new world and I love it
Question: If I wanted to post my spicy jam recipes, where would they go? They're hot-canned with pectin so not sure if they'd fit in with the hot sauce.