Hello from Ocala, Fl

Hi all,

My name is Edward. I've loved spicy food since as long as I can remember. I moved to Panama a few years back and lived on a large farm. There were a few Habanero and what we called "Pico de Pajaro" peppers plants. Since there wasn't any hot sauce around for miles, I decided to make my own. Everybody on the farm seemed to love it.

I married a wonderful Panamanian woman and we are now living in Ocala. We started a small garden in March with some tomatoes, peppers, and herbs. I've been bit by the pepper bug!! It really helps that my wife has an incredible green thumb.

I've been trying some hydroponic gardening and seem to have pretty good results. Right now we have orange Habanero, Tabasco, Aji cachucha, and I got 1 Bhut Jolokia clone from my local hydro shop.

I've been reading the posts on this forum for a few weeks now and finally decided to sign up. I look forward to being able to contribute and to receive some help from all you knowledgeable pepper enthusiasts . Thank you.

Welcome to the forum Edward!
I have always wanted to visit panama since i had a friend from there in high school.

Panama is wonderful! We bought some property and plan on retiring there some day. Most of the people speak or at least understand English and they use the dollar as their currency. I've been back a few times since we moved to the States and can't wait to visit again.
:welcome: from TN! Ocala, horse farm country....lived in Brandon,Fl. for yrs and always loved driving through there on my way to Gainesville.

i know you will find us friendly and helpful
I noticed you took advantage of some of my free seeds im sure you will like what your going to get and will enjoy you harvest from them :dance: :dance: :dance:
i have a cousin in BROOKSVILLE not to far from Ocala he owns a used car lot called KINGSLY'S

Hi Y'all from Garner,NC :welcome:
I'm looking forward to getting to know some new peeps in the sauce business and maybe networking. We have 6 sauces and one dry rub on the market now and look forward to growing the business. Nephews BBQ sauce is a gourmet line of bbq sauces where we pair the sweetness of fruit with the spiciness of chili peppers. all for now and hope to chat soon. :dance:

i know you will find us friendly and helpful
I noticed you took advantage of some of my free seeds im sure you will like what your going to get and will enjoy you harvest from them :dance: :dance: :dance:
i have a cousin in BROOKSVILLE not to far from Ocala he owns a used car lot called KINGSLY'S


Yep, thanks so much for the seeds! I bought a 4x4 flood tray today just for your seeds.

I know that dealership. It's off Commercial Way, right?