Hello from Okinawa

Hello all...American here currently working in Okinawa but have a house and farm in the Philippines. Got a few pepper plants in pots here in Okinawa and 50 in the ground on our farm in the PI. Really addicted to everything pepper and am looking to learn more in the journey.

Ok so this is incredible timing! I just joined this site a few minutes ago. The "Oki" in my username is for Okinawa. I'm half and was born there.

Small world...was stationed in Okinawa from 96-02; been back as a contractor for 6 months now. Really enjoy being here, definitely changed a lot in the past 20+ years.

I actually started a couple seeds in pots from a local pepper (looks and tastes similar to a Thai to me) and they both germinated. Also picked up some seeds for what looks like a type of small bird's eye and both have germinated as well. Have 4 other pots that I started some other seeds that I happened to have. Look forward to see how they do.

No matter where work takes me I always grow at least some peppers in pots.
