Hello from SC

Hi everyone. My name is Josh. I'm an avid orchid and carnivorous plant grower. While on vacation in NC I visited a jerky outlet that sold hot sauces. I purchased some of Blaire's original death and a reaper sauce. Needless to say my interests were more than peaked. I've been craving the heat and flavor and want to make my own sauces. Recently I purchased a 7-pot primo, devil's tongue and Tia dragon. I've recently had a chance to eat a couple pods off the dragon and didn't think thy were that hot. My devils tongue had one pod that ripening and my 7-pot keeps dropping flowers. So ready for it to get acclimated to the larger pots. I went ahead and pruned the 7pot to try to compact it. :-) I plan on over wintering in my greenhouse.

I look forward to adding to my varieties. I've been incognito on the site for a few weeks. Amazed at the peppers people are growing. :-)
Hey there, from just outside San Diego.
I used to have hundreds of Orchid plants, all species. My first love was Cloud Forest Orchids from South America. I could grow them on the coast in San Diego, but move 7 miles inland and no chance. I still long for a cold, mega humid greenhouse, but it ain`t gonna happen anytime soon  :(
Look at see good friends of mine with well over 1 million plants, all species!!!
Wow Nigel that's sounds fantastic!! I have two masdi and a drac. They live in the HL GH with the HL nepenthes. Most of my orchids are lowland and live outside during the summer here. Wow I thought I had a lot of plants at about 350 I have nothing compared to 1million plants. And you say all species? Wow I can't imagine that many in one collection.
Whatsup dude! Flower's drop due to a couple things. Fertilizer, Virus, or Temperature. If you have added too much or too little fertilizer, the blossoms fall off. Virus causes this as well. If your plant is exposed to too high of a temperature or too cold, this can happen as well.
I'm sure its transplant related. I purchased them from a market and they were already root bound in four in pots. I let them sit for a week before I was able to transplant. All is well with them. Thanks for info though I'll keep it in mind. The temps have also been up on the deck where they bare located.
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida! :woohoo: