Hello from Singapore

Soe said:
My orange hab is doing quite well and productive actually. Pods are one of the most good looking ones I got.


I mix it myself with volcanic sand, regular top soil, compost (all from world farm) and Espoma Organic Bio-Tone Starter Plus (from amazon). It works well for me so far.
Soe, you sound seasoned to be doing own mix!  An impressive growlists too.  I lived in Malaysia/Singapore bf and nice feelings to cross someone with same hobby. ;)
I am growing peppers in Australia and having lived/worked in Asia I wonder why I didn't discover growing peppers while in the tropics
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:welcome:  From Missouri USA, you will like the C. galapagoense the pod are very small but they have a good bite, I have 4 plants growing although they will get cut back for the winter next year I will be doing a all wild grow.
Your list of peppers is great lots of very hot peppers on it. I have a semi wild C. frutescens that is Var Mancho. It is quite hot and really puts out the pods the plant can get to be over 6 feet tall. :onfire:
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