hello from South Florida

welcome from miami, where in so flo are you? I love to cook, especially thai but i do all cuisines. Getting into peppers here myself and still a heat novice like you ;)  but if you're near come try my recipes! I have been on a pepper making kick since getting peppers from another local wickedmike
BigB said:
welcome from miami, where in so flo are you? I love to cook, especially thai but i do all cuisines. Getting into peppers here myself and still a heat novice like you ;)  but if you're near come try my recipes! I have been on a pepper making kick since getting peppers from another local wickedmike
im in boca, you make your own recipes?
RedF said:
im in boca, you make your own recipes?
nice, a variety of making my own and tweaking / doing my own take on others. though certain recipes I like to follow exactly, usually ones from america's test kitchen / cooks illustrated