Hello From Spokane Valley

I'm pretty well known (kevinpo) in the Internet reef community for growing corals. I've been growing a garden (outside) with some peppers for many years. But the last couple I have been getting more and more into peppers. I ordered some ghost pepper seeds this year. With our short growing/warm season I started them indoors in the kitchen greenhouse window. 5 out of 6 germinated. I kept them in pots and good thing I did as they barely started to flower before it got cold and they stopped growing. I wasn't going to let them freeze so I brought them inside but I don't know crap about growing plants indoors so I found this forum :)
The lighting article was very helpful.
Welcome to THP! I used to live in the Spokane Valley.

The Chinenses need lots of light and like lots of space for the roots to grow.

I also grow indoors as well as out.

The Chinenses also need a long grow time. So (if possible) its better to get an early start from seed. ie. Dec. Jan
Best of luck to ya and feel free to check out my glog for lighting ideas.
Thanks everyone  for the welcome!
I'm using 2 old 400W Ushio 14,000K reef bulbs and one new 400W 4200K Sylvania bulb. They are driven by one Lumatek, one Galaxy, and one PFO HQI ballast. Hey that's what I had lying around :) they are on for 14.5 hours a day. The plants are about 24"-28" from the bulbs. They seem to like it as I have my first Ghost pepper forming and my other types of peppers have started to ripen.
:welcome: From another former Spokanite.
Lived all over there for 27 years, South Hill, Garland, Lower East side, Felony Flats, and The Valley.
kevinpo said:
This is what I have setup.
Try using photobucket or something similar for uploading pics