Hello from Sydney!

Hi All,
I've always enjoyed my hot food, and after buying and making chilli con carne for the last year my wife suggested why don't I try to start growing chillis (instead of buying heaps :P  ). So I did a few weeks of research, and then picked up Chocolate Habanero, Caramel Moruga Scorpion and some Trinidad Scorpions. Enthusiasitcally planted, realised it wasn't warm enough and picked up a heat pad. Five days later had some success..seven sprouted, one fatality (damn seed bound seedlings!) and me trying to figure out a slew of things...when I should transplant etc etc.
Sine I'd been snooping around for a couple of weeks reading and learning, I thought I'd be best joining in and becoming an active member of the community.
Anyway, the dream is to eventually get a full garden, but this season I'm aiming ot get six-twelve plants in 40-60 litre tubs. Given I'm close to the city I don't really have a backyard so pots are my only real option.
Anyway, I'm really excited (new babies to take care of) and hoping to get a good start this season!
Nice to meet you all.
Fantastic, another member of the Aussie contingent. We're a select few on here but quality over quantity I always say.  :rofl:
Welcome from Sunbury, Victoria. Let me know if there's anything you need.

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