Hello from Texas

I've been lurking on these forums for about 2 or 3 years, I think.  After the most recent growing season and all the information these forums have given me, I thought it was about time to actually join. lol.
I started getting into growing hot peppers about 3 or 4  years ago starting with Thai sun peppers and bhut jolokia, I believe.  It was my first time growing anything.  The bhut jolokia didn't give me a single pod, but that was before I realized the wonders of watering more than once every 2 or 3 days and putting something other than "a jug of fertilizer that seems cheap from the nearest shelf at Walmart".  Now I lean towards stuff like Ocean Forest soil, BioBizz and TomatoTone fertilizer, drip irrigation, and bucket gardening (soon to be root pouches next season!), etc.  This season I grew Biker Billy jalapenos, Golden Cayenne, Carolina Reapers, Butch T's, and Morugas.
So thank you THP, for giving me great ideas, solutions, and a new hobby, but my wallet hates you!
So, anyway... hello from the DFW area!
Welcome! I just introduced myself a day or two ago also. Even more, I'm in McKinney, so we're neighbors. As you plan you crop for 2014, I will have some extra seeds, and some plants as well, if you're interested. You can check out my grow log to get an idea of what I have. Several varieties have already started to come up and since I planted 12 seeds of each variety and only plan on keeping 2-4 plants of each, I could give you a head start if you wanted. I'd rather give them to someone who appreciates them than throw them into the compost pile. (Chewi, this goes for you too.)
As a side note, I'll be leaving for Cabo tomorrow morning and won't be back until next Saturday so if you reply and I don't answer, it's because I'm fishing in Mexico. I will get back to you next weekend though, after I return.
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:
Thanks everyone.  Even those of you from California and Florida who make me sick with your near-perfect pepper-growing weather. lol.
Chewi said:
Whereabouts in N. Texas are you?
Hey Chewi.  I live in the DFW area, northern burbs in Frisco.
jma1787 said:
Welcome! I just introduced myself a day or two ago also. Even more, I'm in McKinney, so we're neighbors. As you plan you crop for 2014, I will have some extra seeds, and some plants as well, if you're interested. You can check out my grow log to get an idea of what I have. Several varieties have already started to come up and since I planted 12 seeds of each variety and only plan on keeping 2-4 plants of each, I could give you a head start if you wanted. I'd rather give them to someone who appreciates them than throw them into the compost pile. (Chewi, this goes for you too.)
As a side note, I'll be leaving for Cabo tomorrow morning and won't be back until next Saturday so if you reply and I don't answer, it's because I'm fishing in Mexico. I will get back to you next weekend though, after I return.
Thanks for the offer JMA, but I'm having a bit of a contest with a family member this season as well as co-workers on growing peppers, so I'll have to stick with the seeds we bought.  What's sad is I just looked at your grow log and 2 or 3 of the peppers you're growing are ones I'll be growing, too. lol.  Oh well, maybe next year I'll steal some from you. :)  I'm really interested in your grow log now since we're both generally in the same area.