Hello from the land where it is still Winter, apparently

D3 ... at least you got to experience the magic 60s!!  We have not been above 50 yet, still plenty of ice and snow covering the ground.  I think we are supposed to see a high in the mid 50s on Wednesday along with some rain --- hoping that it at least melts some of the snow to ground level.  The forecasted evening lows are all still in the teens/20s and low 30s.  My medium sized dogs are still sinking to their chest when they hit drift pockets.  :surprised:
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo:
CAPCOM said:
Welcome to THP from the polar cap of Illinois. where in zone 5a are you that you haven't popped past the 50s?
Capcon,  I am in 5b in the Poconos @ 2,200 ft elevation.  We have seen a couple of daytime highs in the low 50s, but only a couple.  It was supposed to be in the 50s today, but it never made it out of the 30s.  We had some rain today but now that is turned to ice on my deck.  Snow pack is still around 6-8" at my location but melting around the tree roots.