Hello from The Netherlands

Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
:welcome: from sunny California! 
I lived in your fine country for 2 years - Just south of Alsmeer in Nieuwveen, then Zevenhoven for a while. I really enjoyed it there. 
That's quite a specific area to be living, were you in the flower business?
Runescape said:
wow, sounds like it takes a while lol...
Do you mainly focus on "flavor and cold climate adaptation"?
How do you guys measure the flavor (by measuring how much sugars are in the strawberries?)...
For strawberry varieties its mainly yield, fruit quality (firmness, shape and thirdly taste) and disease resistance. Sugar levels are a good indication whether a strawberry is edible, but it is hard to find something that produces well and has a high sugar level as well. 
here's a picture from the strawberry selection fields
:welcome:  to the THP forums from South Carolina! (where we go crazy every year over strawberries- (and peaches!)- week long activities/parades/festivities, etc.. Enjoy your stay here!
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo: